1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,620 vector boson scattering and vector boson fusion. 2 00:00:03,179 --> 00:00:05,489 So you can start whenever you want Heather. 3 00:00:10,950 --> 00:00:12,360 you have to unmute Heather. 4 00:00:13,710 --> 00:00:16,620 I do have to unmute. that might help, wouldn't it? okay. uh. 5 00:00:19,980 --> 00:00:23,580 right. so I'm going to talk about vector boson fusion and vector boson 6 00:00:23,580 --> 00:00:28,050 scattering measurements. and what uh I mean by this, of course, is that you have 7 00:00:28,050 --> 00:00:32,370 incoming quarks that emit vector bosons and then those vector bosons interact at a 8 00:00:32,370 --> 00:00:36,360 point, either fused into a single vector boson or scatter into two new vector 9 00:00:36,360 --> 00:00:41,430 bosons. however, there is an incredibly important point I need to mention here 10 00:00:41,430 --> 00:00:46,230 before we carry on is that we cannot directly measure these V B F or V B S 11 00:00:46,230 --> 00:00:50,190 processes. so there's a significant amount of interference interference with other 12 00:00:50,190 --> 00:00:55,410 diagrams that are of the same order of alpha electroweak and extracting the V B F 13 00:00:55,440 --> 00:00:59,760 or V B S component is not a gauge invariant operation. so we cannot measure these 14 00:00:59,760 --> 00:01:00,000 processes 15 00:01:00,000 --> 00:01:05,460 directly. and instead what we do is measure electroweak production of V J J 16 00:01:05,490 --> 00:01:11,700 of course V is a W boson, a Z boson or a photon, or V V J J. and I will try to use that 17 00:01:11,700 --> 00:01:14,970 language throughout my talk to be technically correct, um I might fail. 18 00:01:15,990 --> 00:01:21,120 so aside from our uh electroweak production V B F electroweak production diagram, I have 19 00:01:21,120 --> 00:01:24,960 another one here, you can see it has the same order in alpha electroweak on the 20 00:01:25,020 --> 00:01:33,300 bottom left, we also have a very, a very large amount of strong V J J production. in 21 00:01:33,300 --> 00:01:37,890 general, this has a much higher cross section with one exception of the same 22 00:01:37,890 --> 00:01:39,480 sign W W 23 00:01:40,650 --> 00:01:48,120 production. so because it's so large, uh we have a huge task in understanding and 24 00:01:48,150 --> 00:01:51,900 reducing this background that it's absolutely crucial to do an effective 25 00:01:52,050 --> 00:01:56,370 electroweak V J J or V V J J measurement. um so that's why most of my talk is actually 26 00:01:56,370 --> 00:01:59,550 going to be discussing these strong or QCD backgrounds um. 27 00:02:00,000 --> 00:02:03,390 and I will use the word sort of strong and QCD interchangeably because different 28 00:02:03,390 --> 00:02:06,480 analyses are talked about and call them different things sort of in their in their 29 00:02:06,750 --> 00:02:09,480 tables and plots, but it means the same thing. 30 00:02:11,309 --> 00:02:15,539 okay, so I'm going to start by discussing our brand new electroweak Z J J production 31 00:02:15,539 --> 00:02:21,329 result. the general characteristics of the events here in the electroweak events are 32 00:02:21,419 --> 00:02:27,089 a leptonically decaying Z boson um and two jets with a large rapidity separation 33 00:02:27,359 --> 00:02:32,669 and a large invariant mass. additionally, um in the electroweak production, there's 34 00:02:32,669 --> 00:02:38,909 usually no jets in the gap between these these two forward fowards jets. um whereas 35 00:02:38,909 --> 00:02:41,789 with for instance, strong production or main background, there tend to be jets 36 00:02:41,789 --> 00:02:44,999 radiated every which way because this is what QCD tends to like to do. 37 00:02:46,680 --> 00:02:47,250 so, 38 00:02:48,630 --> 00:02:55,110 here I have a plot that shows the Monte Carlo data ratio for different processes, 39 00:02:56,040 --> 00:03:00,000 um the strong in blue, electroweak and red and then the remaining backgrounds 40 00:03:00,390 --> 00:03:06,420 tiny in orange. and you can see this across the spectrum for M J J. and the 41 00:03:06,510 --> 00:03:10,590 important point takeaway point is a few things here. first off, the strong background is 42 00:03:10,590 --> 00:03:12,210 the largest across the spectrum. 43 00:03:13,440 --> 00:03:19,470 and the second one is that generators for both strong and electroweak production 44 00:03:19,470 --> 00:03:25,110 show huge discrepancies between themselves. um and then, of course, then, none 45 00:03:25,110 --> 00:03:30,990 of them are really modeling the data that well in the strong Z J J case. it's also 46 00:03:30,990 --> 00:03:34,920 important to note that the strong Z J J modeling is especially poor in the signal 47 00:03:34,920 --> 00:03:37,590 enriched region when you see this big divergence between 48 00:03:39,000 --> 00:03:43,050 one of the predictions and the other two. Uh, and this is right where we want to do our 49 00:03:43,050 --> 00:03:48,240 measurement. so we can't just take the Monte Carlo at face value and carry 50 00:03:48,240 --> 00:03:52,890 on. instead, we have to deal with data driven background modeling, and this will 51 00:03:52,890 --> 00:03:58,710 take care of the, the miss-modeling. so in order to do this, the analysis is split into four 52 00:03:58,710 --> 00:04:00,000 regions with two uncorrelated 53 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:04,440 variables. the first one, the y-axis here is the number of jets in the gap 54 00:04:04,440 --> 00:04:08,520 between the leading and subleading jets. and then the second one is the centrality 55 00:04:08,550 --> 00:04:11,580 of the reconstructed Z boson. so just how, how much it is sort of in 56 00:04:11,580 --> 00:04:17,430 between those two jets. this leaves us with three background enhanced regions 57 00:04:17,430 --> 00:04:24,300 C R A, C R B, and C R C, control regions, and then one signal region that is enhanced, of course 58 00:04:24,300 --> 00:04:32,040 in our electroweak Z J J signal. and we can use these three C R A B C regions to 59 00:04:32,160 --> 00:04:35,700 constrain and understand our strong background, um and then use that 60 00:04:35,700 --> 00:04:38,970 understanding to constrain the modeling in the signal enhanced region. 61 00:04:40,530 --> 00:04:44,700 so of course, I talked about four regions, we're not just counting events um in each 62 00:04:44,700 --> 00:04:48,480 bin, there's still the observables we want to perform the measurement in 63 00:04:48,480 --> 00:04:55,170 that we actually have to consider. so here I'm showing everything for the dijet 64 00:04:55,170 --> 00:04:59,790 invariant mass, so M J J is done in bin number, but this is just the whole M J J 65 00:04:59,790 --> 00:05:00,000 spectrum 66 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:01,170 we do the analysis in. 67 00:05:02,280 --> 00:05:05,970 on the left, these are the raw distributions before the Monte Carlo is 68 00:05:05,970 --> 00:05:09,630 fit to the data. so you can see objectively there is some some, some quite bad 69 00:05:09,630 --> 00:05:10,980 agreement there, we need to do something. 70 00:05:12,150 --> 00:05:17,520 but, uh, the control regions A B C have minimal signal, lots of background, and we can use 71 00:05:17,520 --> 00:05:23,430 these to constrain the background in the signal region. so in order to do this, we 72 00:05:23,430 --> 00:05:28,560 do a binned maximum likelihood fit. and this is performed simultaneously in all four 73 00:05:28,560 --> 00:05:35,610 regions. now the, the strong Z J J background is constrained with bin by bin weights 74 00:05:35,790 --> 00:05:40,620 separately at low and high centrality, but it's linked between the number of gaps jets 75 00:05:40,620 --> 00:05:45,930 so like C R A and S R have the same bin by bin weights and C R B and C R C have the same 76 00:05:45,930 --> 00:05:47,100 bin by bin weights. 77 00:05:48,thirty-six0 --> 00:05:52,500 um, then there is a linear function of the variable being fit. so in this case, M J J 78 00:05:52,500 --> 00:05:57,330 that allows for a correction for any residual dependence on the number of gap 79 00:05:57,330 --> 00:06:00,000 jets so where that bin by bin linking might not work 80 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:06,060 a hundred percent, um there's a linear uh correction that uh helps fix that. and that's kept the same 81 00:06:06,060 --> 00:06:10,170 between the low and high centrality regions applied in the signal region and 82 00:06:10,200 --> 00:06:17,790 C R C. so it sort of helps with C R C helps then fix any any residual C R A to signal 83 00:06:17,790 --> 00:06:23,370 region extrapolation um in the signal region. So finally, then you have the bin by bin 84 00:06:23,370 --> 00:06:26,670 electroweak signal strength, this is what actually we want to extract the signal. 85 00:06:27,240 --> 00:06:32,070 um these are kept the same between all of the regions. so you can see then in the post 86 00:06:32,070 --> 00:06:37,410 fit plot that when you actually perform the maximum likelihood fit um it nicely 87 00:06:37,410 --> 00:06:40,470 converges to describe the observed data. this is great. uh. 88 00:06:42,450 --> 00:06:46,380 now, I did talk about of course, that we had these these three different Monte 89 00:06:46,380 --> 00:06:49,590 Carlo generators that all gave vastly different predictions. and we didn't 90 00:06:49,590 --> 00:06:54,570 really know which one of them is correct a priori. um and even after the fact we're not 91 00:06:54,570 --> 00:06:58,170 sure, you know, until we do some proper unfolding which one better models the data 92 00:06:58,170 --> 00:07:00,000 so, un what we actually 93 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:05,790 do, uh is do this fit with each of the generators. so it's done done three times. 94 00:07:06,240 --> 00:07:11,190 and here I have the pre and postfit plots. also with the next to leading order 95 00:07:11,190 --> 00:07:16,200 madgraph strong Z J J prediction. and, you know, hopefully, you can take away from this 96 00:07:16,200 --> 00:07:21,630 that the extra or the fit also works with the, one of the alternative generators. 97 00:07:23,460 --> 00:07:26,490 okay, so of course at the end of the day, we don't just check these and ignore two 98 00:07:26,490 --> 00:07:32,340 of them, um we end up with three data points for each bin, for each electroweak signal 99 00:07:32,340 --> 00:07:37,320 strength. so in each bin, the actual extracted signal is taken as the midpoint 100 00:07:37,350 --> 00:07:41,220 of the envelope span. you can see my little sketch on the right here um displaying 101 00:07:41,220 --> 00:07:45,330 what I mean. un so it's the midpoint of the envelope spanned by the three strong data 102 00:07:45,330 --> 00:07:49,020 generators and then the spread is associated with a systematic uncertainty 103 00:07:49,050 --> 00:07:50,670 or is an associated systematic uncertainty, sorry. 104 00:07:52,260 --> 00:07:56,790 with these, you know signal strengths, both the signal and the control regions 105 00:07:56,790 --> 00:08:00,000 are folded. uh so for instance, electroweak production 106 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:02,850 is only unfolded in the signal region because there isn't any in the control 107 00:08:02,850 --> 00:08:07,500 regions. um but the inclusive Z J J production, we unfold this in the signal 108 00:08:07,500 --> 00:08:11,460 region and in each of the four control regions. uh and this is so we can basically uh 109 00:08:11,820 --> 00:08:16,260 use the data to the best of our abilities and show the modeling in more than just 110 00:08:16,500 --> 00:08:21,000 the signal region for future Monte Carlo studies and generator studies. 111 00:08:22,260 --> 00:08:27,420 so I've also consistently shown plots for the dijet invariant mass, um but the analysis 112 00:08:27,420 --> 00:08:31,440 is also performed in the dijet rapidity spread the dilepton transverse momentum 113 00:08:31,440 --> 00:08:36,450 and the delta phi between the higher and lower rapidity jets in that order. 114 00:08:38,130 --> 00:08:43,380 ok. so beyond the measurement, we can also see if the measurement shows any hints of new 115 00:08:43,380 --> 00:08:49,470 physics. to do this, um we use the dimension six effective field theory, uh this is the 116 00:08:49,470 --> 00:08:55,560 SMEFT. and we look at both the interference terms. that's the first bluey red term, I 117 00:08:55,560 --> 00:08:59,820 guess the second term in the equation at the top and then the um 118 00:09:00,659 --> 00:09:06,539 quadratic term as well, which is uh the EFT only quadratic term and that's in the 119 00:09:06,539 --> 00:09:13,469 middle there. now, the analysis tested two CP even and two CP odd operators. and it, 120 00:09:13,469 --> 00:09:17,969 what's interesting to see in the table on the right here is for each operator, there's 121 00:09:17,969 --> 00:09:20,429 two rows, the first one is using the linear um 122 00:09:21,540 --> 00:09:25,680 EFT only and the second one was using the quadratic. and you can see that it's 123 00:09:25,680 --> 00:09:29,580 really not a large effect. so the quadratic terms having a minimal effect on 124 00:09:29,580 --> 00:09:32,190 the result of the whole and it's the linear term that is driving our 125 00:09:32,190 --> 00:09:37,230 sensitivity. this sort of makes sense because um the linear term is linear in the 126 00:09:37,230 --> 00:09:41,910 coupling whereas with a quadratic term, you have this uh the coefficient squared. uh. 127 00:09:43,230 --> 00:09:46,830 now, something I should point out is the reason we actually have sensitivity to 128 00:09:46,830 --> 00:09:53,130 these CP odd operators is by explicitly checking um a parity odd observable, and 129 00:09:53,130 --> 00:09:56,340 in this case, the observable used is the one I just mentioned on the previous slide 130 00:09:56,340 --> 00:09:59,670 the azimuthal angular separation between the two leading jets 131 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:04,590 calculated by subtracting the lower rapidity jet from the higher rapidity jet, always 132 00:10:04,590 --> 00:10:08,790 in that order. so I have an example here of what that variable looks like unfolded 133 00:10:08,790 --> 00:10:14,040 in signal region for the electroweak signal. and then one other thing you might 134 00:10:14,040 --> 00:10:15,810 have noticed, in the observed 135 00:10:16,830 --> 00:10:22,380 sort of ninety-five percent confidence limit for C tilde H W B doesn't actually include the 136 00:10:22,380 --> 00:10:27,750 value zero. the value zero, of course, is the standard model with no EFT. so we'll talk 137 00:10:27,750 --> 00:10:29,670 a little bit about that on the next slide. 138 00:10:30,720 --> 00:10:33,840 so I first want to point out that we're not talking about an exclusion of the 139 00:10:33,840 --> 00:10:37,410 standard model or discovery, right, this is just a ninety-five percent confidence interval. 140 00:10:38,490 --> 00:10:42,660 um, but it's interesting to examine a little further here we can see you know how we 141 00:10:42,660 --> 00:10:48,480 end up with this best fit value this one point two and not zero. so on the left, we have the 142 00:10:48,480 --> 00:10:53,820 minimization of the negative log likelihood. and on the right, we have the 143 00:10:53,850 --> 00:10:59,610 associated change in the EFT prediction as the coupling changes. so you can see both 144 00:10:59,610 --> 00:10:59,910 the 145 00:11:00,000 --> 00:11:03,660 interference and the quadratic terms. and then most of this contribution is coming 146 00:11:03,660 --> 00:11:07,740 from the interference term. that's the dashed coral line as compared to the 147 00:11:07,740 --> 00:11:11,820 purple that adds in the quadratic term as well. and then you can see basically, 148 00:11:12,060 --> 00:11:16,380 given the data points, how we end up with this best fit value. and as we get farther 149 00:11:16,380 --> 00:11:20,070 and farther away from the Standard Model, it doesn't really fit well, but then you 150 00:11:20,070 --> 00:11:24,870 get down to this minimum value of one point two. and that distribution looks kind of a lot like 151 00:11:24,870 --> 00:11:29,910 the data. and then as you get closer and closer and closer to zero, um, the data no 152 00:11:29,910 --> 00:11:32,070 longer looks quite a lot like the um uh a lot well sorry 153 00:11:33,900 --> 00:11:38,340 the prediction doesn't look a lot look a lot like the data anymore. so 154 00:11:38,340 --> 00:11:43,830 this is a nice way of seeing how we end up with a specific value. okay, so that's 155 00:11:43,830 --> 00:11:48,210 enough of a single boson on results. let's add another that Z boson into the mix and 156 00:11:48,210 --> 00:11:52,710 study electroweak Z Z J J production. so here we either have two bosons decaying 157 00:11:52,710 --> 00:11:58,080 leptonically, or one leptonic and one invisible. again, there are two jets. 158 00:11:58,320 --> 00:11:59,970 still the same characteristic topology 159 00:12:00,000 --> 00:12:03,660 explicitly on different sides of the detector now, with large rapidity 160 00:12:03,660 --> 00:12:05,760 separation and large invariant mass. 161 00:12:06,810 --> 00:12:10,860 the two channels um that I sort of just mentioned on the previous slide, four 162 00:12:10,860 --> 00:12:15,810 lepton and L L nu nu have a slightly different selection, but it's largely the 163 00:12:15,810 --> 00:12:21,600 same electroweak type phase space. uh the big difference in these two channels is really 164 00:12:21,600 --> 00:12:27,600 the backgrounds. so with this L L nu nu channel, you have a very large uh, high non Z Z J J 165 00:12:27,600 --> 00:12:30,900 background kind of getting in the way of the analysis. It's not as clean as 166 00:12:30,900 --> 00:12:36,690 having two leptonic Zs. an inclusive Z Z J J cross section that's inclusive 167 00:12:36,720 --> 00:12:41,910 of the QCD and the electroweak is extracted in the signal region. um but then 168 00:12:41,910 --> 00:12:45,660 to extract the electroweak Z Z J J component a boosted decision tree is used 169 00:12:45,660 --> 00:12:51,270 to discriminate between the electroweak and the QCD components. um now, the BDT isn't just 170 00:12:51,270 --> 00:12:54,750 applied in the signal region we also apply it in the control region. and this is 171 00:12:54,750 --> 00:12:59,250 better uh to allow us to better constrain the QCD background right this thing, 172 00:12:59,250 --> 00:13:00,000 miss-modeling that keeps 173 00:13:00,000 --> 00:13:00,960 popping up everywhere. 174 00:13:02,370 --> 00:13:07,200 and then a separate BDT is trained for the L L nu nu signal region. so it's also a 175 00:13:07,200 --> 00:13:10,020 multivariate discriminant there on the x-axis, but it's a different it's a 176 00:13:10,020 --> 00:13:14,220 different one. we don't assume those are the same by any means. and you can see 177 00:13:14,220 --> 00:13:19,380 that when you fit these simultaneously you get a combined expected 178 00:13:19,380 --> 00:13:24,390 significance of four point three sigma. of course, we got a little lucky and we saw a five point five sigma 179 00:13:24,390 --> 00:13:28,380 observed significance and thus we do have observation of electroweak Z Z J J 180 00:13:28,380 --> 00:13:32,820 production. um the nice neat thing here is that the electroweak cross section here is 181 00:13:32,820 --> 00:13:35,520 point eight two femtobarns. and this is actually one of the smallest cross 182 00:13:35,520 --> 00:13:37,470 sections that ATLAS has measured so far. 183 00:13:39,030 --> 00:13:43,440 okay, in my last minute, I'm going to touch briefly on one last analysis, and 184 00:13:43,440 --> 00:13:47,880 that's electroweak production of a Z boson and a photon. so again, we have our 185 00:13:47,880 --> 00:13:52,080 leptonic Z, but then we have a one photon and we make we do our best to ensure 186 00:13:52,080 --> 00:13:55,170 this is not coming from final state radiation from those leptons because that 187 00:13:55,170 --> 00:13:58,320 wouldn't be sensitive at all to the V B S diagrams we're trying to really probe 188 00:13:58,320 --> 00:14:00,000 here. um the whole 189 00:14:00,179 --> 00:14:05,639 Z plus photon system is required to be central sort of between the two jets. like 190 00:14:05,639 --> 00:14:09,629 we have the Z centrality for the electroweak Z J J. and the two jets are 191 00:14:09,629 --> 00:14:12,719 required to have the large rapidity separation and large invariant mass. 192 00:14:12,959 --> 00:14:17,819 additionally, here, um, there's a no b-jet requirement in the events, we don't allow 193 00:14:17,819 --> 00:14:18,449 that to happen. 194 00:14:19,770 --> 00:14:23,010 so one thing to point out before going to the result is that this is a partial 195 00:14:23,010 --> 00:14:26,100 run two result. so it's only using thirty-six inverse femtobarns of data. 196 00:14:27,660 --> 00:14:32,040 and also that it's really important to look specifically at all of these 197 00:14:32,040 --> 00:14:thirty-six,990 different electroweak productions, because we want to ensure we have the full picture 198 00:14:36,990 --> 00:14:41,310 of all of the quartic couplings. so with Z plus photon final state, we're 199 00:14:41,310 --> 00:14:46,830 uniquely sensitive to the W W Z photon quartic coupling. whereas for instance, if 200 00:14:46,830 --> 00:14:53,040 you're looking at W Z, you'd have contributions from um W gamma as your input 201 00:14:53,040 --> 00:14:57,150 vector bosons, or W Z it as your input vector bosons. so if you saw some anomaly 202 00:14:57,150 --> 00:14:59,970 you wouldn't know necessarily which diagram it was 203 00:15:00,000 --> 00:15:00,630 coming from. 204 00:15:02,129 --> 00:15:07,409 um now, in addition to this b-jet veto I I mentioned on the previous slide, the 205 00:15:07,409 --> 00:15:11,819 events then that failed that, that have at least one b-jet are used to constrain the 206 00:15:11,849 --> 00:15:15,509 ttbar plus photon background and make sure that we're not susceptible to any 207 00:15:15,509 --> 00:15:20,339 miss-modelings there. so and like with the Z Z J J um 208 00:15:21,480 --> 00:15:25,500 analysis, a BDT is used to discriminate between the electroweak and the large QCD 209 00:15:25,500 --> 00:15:29,670 background, you see the BDT score distribution on the bottom left here, the 210 00:15:29,670 --> 00:15:34,050 full distribution is fit simultaneously with the b-jet distribution in the ttbar 211 00:15:34,050 --> 00:15:38,970 plus photon control region. and the extracted observed and expected 212 00:15:38,970 --> 00:15:42,060 significance are both four point one sigma. so unfortunately, no luckily, lucky 213 00:15:42,060 --> 00:15:46,560 statistical fluctuations here. but we still have a hundred inverse femtobarns of data to add 214 00:15:47,190 --> 00:15:48,840 and and observe this process. 215 00:15:50,280 --> 00:15:54,990 okay, so there's three additional results that I haven't talked about due to time 216 00:15:54,990 --> 00:15:57,300 which I'm sure I'm out of. uh, we have. 217 00:15:58,890 --> 00:15:59,910 um yeah, so the, sorry, 218 00:16:00,000 --> 00:16:05,160 same sign W W J J, um this is we have observed this with six point five sigma. 219 00:16:06,240 --> 00:16:12,510 um, the W Z J J with a five point three sigma observed significance and a semi-leptonic V V J J uh with 220 00:16:12,510 --> 00:16:18,150 two point seven observed significance. all of these are thirty-six inverse femtobarn uh, run two uh analyses 221 00:16:18,150 --> 00:16:22,710 and there are details in the backup if you would like to hear more. um so just in with 222 00:16:22,710 --> 00:16:27,030 that, I'll conclude we have new differential cross-section measurement of 223 00:16:27,060 --> 00:16:31,440 electroweak Z J J production with strong limits on new physics through an effective 224 00:16:31,440 --> 00:16:37,380 field theory interpretation. we have observation of electroweak Z Z J J, and lots of 225 00:16:37,380 --> 00:16:43,320 other partial run two uh dataset analyses. and many results with a full run two data set 226 00:16:43,320 --> 00:16:46,920 are still to come and there's a link uh that's not a link at all, there's a list 227 00:16:47,250 --> 00:16:51,330 of the meeting ID and password of for the poster session zoom chat if you would like 228 00:16:51,330 --> 00:16:53,670 to discuss anything. thanks. 229 00:16:56,100 --> 00:17:00,000 Thank you very much Heather. are there any questions? yes, there is a question. 230 00:17:00,000 --> 00:17:01,380 from Josh 231 00:17:02,790 --> 00:17:06,210 please go ahead. you're unmuted when you can. 232 00:17:07,500 --> 00:17:10,290 thanks. uh yeah, so I had a question on slide five. 233 00:17:11,969 --> 00:17:18,599 uh, so, in particular for for the two predictions here for the for the QCD 234 00:17:18,869 --> 00:17:24,509 Z J J production, which are merged, merged multi leg N L O. I mean, I 235 00:17:24,509 --> 00:17:28,889 wonder if you could comment on on ongoing efforts to understand, you know, the 236 00:17:28,889 --> 00:17:33,389 uncertainties on those two predictions. and whether there's some hope to one day 237 00:17:33,389 --> 00:17:38,009 replace this sort of two or three point model comparison uncertainty with one 238 00:17:38,009 --> 00:17:42,029 which is driven by let's say, missing higher orders in QCD match matching 239 00:17:42,029 --> 00:17:45,629 merging uncertainties or shower resummation uncertainties, which could 240 00:17:45,629 --> 00:17:48,359 perhaps be a bit better defined from a correlation standpoint. 241 00:17:49,560 --> 00:17:54,630 yeah, for sure. so this is this is part of the reason there there's been so much effort to 242 00:17:54,960 --> 00:17:59,640 put out not just the electroweak signal extraction, but also the inclusive 243 00:18:00,000 --> 00:18:05,700 differential cross sections for the different um different generators um in not just 244 00:18:05,700 --> 00:18:10,080 the signal region, but also the different control regions in the hopes that this 245 00:18:10,080 --> 00:18:14,070 information will be fed back to the community. and we can use this to look at 246 00:18:14,070 --> 00:18:19,170 new predictions and then sort of run three iterations might be um using whole new 247 00:18:20,310 --> 00:18:23,370 Monte Carlo predictions that fit the data much better in the end. 248 00:18:26,190 --> 00:18:28,260 hope that answers your question. thanks. 249 00:18:31,050 --> 00:18:36,900 so we can take another question from Kenneth. and then we will have to move 250 00:18:36,900 --> 00:18:39,810 on. Kenneth you're unmuted as you can speak. 251 00:18:41,790 --> 00:18:48,000 on slide seven, maybe you said I just didn't understand but the the bin by bin 252 00:18:48,000 --> 00:18:55,140 weights that you apply to the V J J. these are derived independently of the fit and 253 00:18:55,140 --> 00:18:59,940 basically applied before you do the maximum likelyhood fit, is that right? 254 00:19:00,570 --> 00:19:01,830 no, they're part of the fit. 255 00:19:05,520 --> 00:19:12,240 I mean, so is there is there a parameter that's free and the fit for each bin? uh no. 256 00:19:12,240 --> 00:19:16,560 so not not for each bin. so uh the fit is done with three times the number of bins 257 00:19:16,560 --> 00:19:23,850 plus two parameters. uh and there's obviously four times the number of bins um of actual 258 00:19:23,880 --> 00:19:25,080 data to fit. 259 00:19:26,220 --> 00:19:29,220 so is there I mean, are these weights allow for 260 00:19:30,630 --> 00:19:35,010 essentially just the normalization to change? or do they somehow allow uh 261 00:19:thirty-six,600 --> 00:19:40,440 a slope could be to be introduced to the shape of the M J J? 262 00:19:41,760 --> 00:19:45,180 yeah, so they definitely do because they're done bin by bin right, the weight 263 00:19:45,180 --> 00:19:47,820 in each bin that comes out of the fit can be different, 264 00:19:48,990 --> 00:19:53,970 are they constrained in some way. sorry, so they're linked between the the number of 265 00:19:54,510 --> 00:19:59,250 gap debts of of greater than or equal to one and zero. so it's the same sort of in each 266 00:19:59,250 --> 00:19:59,820 column. 267 00:20:00,000 --> 00:20:05,790 so C R A and S R, the strong Z J J weights are identical, the same in that low 268 00:20:05,790 --> 00:20:12,270 centrality region the same in the low in the high centrality region. um but they are 269 00:20:12,360 --> 00:20:18,420 allowing for a bin by bin difference in each of the columns basically of that 270 00:20:18,420 --> 00:20:19,050 little figure 271 00:20:20,610 --> 00:20:28,740 ok thanks they'll be a more wide description uh in the paper. these are preliminary 272 00:20:28,740 --> 00:20:32,190 results but in the paper when it ends up on arxiv, I encourage you to read it. 273 00:20:34,770 --> 00:20:39,150 there is one more question from Stefano but we are a bit uh over time 274 00:20:39,150 --> 00:20:44,760 now. so maybe I mean, Heather you will be available at the end on your own zoom room 275 00:20:44,850 --> 00:20:48,240 so probably Stefano you can ask a question there. sorry.