1 00:00:01,530 --> 00:00:07,800 I give the mic to Giovanni to introduce the next speakers. Excellent. 2 00:00:09,900 --> 00:00:10,620 Yes, thank 3 00:00:10,620 --> 00:00:14,670 you very, thank you very much to EGA. So we enter Now the final hour of these long 4 00:00:14,670 --> 00:00:22,170 but exciting conference. Before just going to presentation of Andreas, let me just 5 00:00:22,170 --> 00:00:25,830 say that it was a pleasure for me to help organizing the conference, although not in 6 00:00:25,830 --> 00:00:30,060 the format that it was initially foreseen. And I hope that you enjoyed it despite the 7 00:00:30,060 --> 00:00:35,010 little glitches that we had, and to see many of you in person exceeding Paris. So 8 00:00:35,010 --> 00:00:39,420 now let me virtually pass the microphone to undress a front seven, we give his 9 00:00:39,420 --> 00:00:42,690 personal view of the experimental highlights of the conference. 10 00:00:45,000 --> 00:00:50,520 Thank you very much. I hope everyone can hear me and to see my slides. Can you just 11 00:00:50,520 --> 00:00:51,150 confirm? 12 00:00:51,360 --> 00:00:54,540 Yes, I can see you and see your slides. 13 00:00:54,600 --> 00:00:57,810 Okay. Very good. So I will stop the video so that there's more bandwidth for the 14 00:00:58,170 --> 00:01:01,770 talk and you can concentrate on the slides. So Thank you very much for 15 00:01:02,100 --> 00:01:09,600 inviting me for this. So just Yes. Okay, so this is not indeed an actual summary, 16 00:01:09,600 --> 00:01:13,800 but it will be a few selected highlights because there was so much material shown 17 00:01:14,010 --> 00:01:21,180 during during the week. Okay, so this conference was pioneering. It was I think 18 00:01:21,180 --> 00:01:25,500 the first virtual of the large cap conferences. It was very rich showcase for 19 00:01:25,500 --> 00:01:30,750 first grades, research and quite difficult circumstances. And I think everyone agreed 20 00:01:30,780 --> 00:01:34,830 during this week that it wasn't very important conferences. So we have a huge 21 00:01:34,830 --> 00:01:38,250 thanks as many people said to the organizers for bringing the community 22 00:01:38,250 --> 00:01:44,490 together and quite short notice. Now we are celebrating 10 years of Physics and 23 00:01:44,490 --> 00:01:52,350 Technology progress, and manga resides so this was a page from the sun Korea in the 24 00:01:52,350 --> 00:01:56,220 march in March this year. Among the main reasons of classes that we know that the 25 00:01:56,220 --> 00:02:00,210 Higgs boson exists, there is so far no proof of physics beyond the standard Model 26 00:02:00,210 --> 00:02:04,200 up to the TV scale. But there have been numerous discoveries within the Standard 27 00:02:04,200 --> 00:02:09,210 Model were made involving rare prophecies, flavor spectroscopy, high high density, 28 00:02:09,210 --> 00:02:13,320 strong metal. And it is clear that the accelerators, detectors and computing and 29 00:02:13,320 --> 00:02:17,910 analysis performed well beyond the expectations. And I think important as 30 00:02:17,910 --> 00:02:23,730 well, the LFC has prompted prodigious progress in particle theory. Now, if you 31 00:02:23,760 --> 00:02:30,120 think back, if you remember, back in 2008, there was this headline on 11 thing 32 00:02:30,120 --> 00:02:33,510 actually, after the 10th of September CERN experiment machines switched on no Big 33 00:02:33,510 --> 00:02:38,400 Bang, and it works. And it was all correct apart from the box, which took a little 34 00:02:38,400 --> 00:02:45,450 year more to get it really running 900 gV in November 2009, and then at 70 V in in 35 00:02:45,450 --> 00:02:49,620 2010. And these were the very first candidate collision events. We didn't even 36 00:02:49,620 --> 00:02:53,070 know that we had collision. So we had to look at the detector timing to make sure 37 00:02:53,070 --> 00:02:56,790 that we actually had inelastic events in our detector. So this is a nice event 38 00:02:56,790 --> 00:03:01,380 display of the very first one from CMS and on the right you see a multiplicity 39 00:03:01,380 --> 00:03:06,570 collision event analysis this first year gave rise already to create interesting 40 00:03:08,099 --> 00:03:14,489 with only 30,500. pika bonds with a very interesting first paper. So there's this 41 00:03:14,489 --> 00:03:18,299 very first paper on the left from Alice on the charged mood charge particle 42 00:03:18,299 --> 00:03:23,639 multiplicity on the button, you have the production cross section of BB bar 43 00:03:23,639 --> 00:03:27,509 production. This was a very important measurement from lsv to do to actually 44 00:03:27,509 --> 00:03:31,649 make sure that the physics potential they were hoping for can actually be achieved 45 00:03:31,649 --> 00:03:36,299 and this is indeed the case. Then we had a very first search of only a few hundred of 46 00:03:36,329 --> 00:03:40,019 the universe nanobots in looking to digest events. And this was already of 47 00:03:40,019 --> 00:03:45,419 sensitivity beyond the Tevatron at this at this very low sensitive luminosity. Then 48 00:03:45,419 --> 00:03:50,789 came the, the bandwidth rich from CMS, which showed for the first time this 49 00:03:50,849 --> 00:03:57,149 interesting feature of collectivity. in PvP collisions, you have this far range 50 00:03:57,179 --> 00:04:03,329 nearby correlation spectrum And later in lead lead collisions. A similar collective 51 00:04:03,329 --> 00:04:08,789 effect was seen already in the control room in Atlas to see the jet quenching. So 52 00:04:08,819 --> 00:04:12,689 one jet basically removed in energy and to get this back to this larger Cemetery in 53 00:04:12,689 --> 00:04:17,219 events. Now, of course, after an outstanding run to the LFC experiments 54 00:04:17,219 --> 00:04:21,359 have now in their hands, the richest Hadron Collider collision data samples 55 00:04:21,359 --> 00:04:27,719 ever recorded and the LSE really is an everything factory. So we have about 88 56 00:04:27,719 --> 00:04:32,189 million Higgs bosons produced hundreds of millions of top quarks, billions of Zetas, 57 00:04:32,219 --> 00:04:36,869 W bosons and trillions of bottom quarks. Of course, here, we have to look at the 58 00:04:36,869 --> 00:04:41,099 acceptance. So this gives us a huge potential of physics and I think this week 59 00:04:41,219 --> 00:04:49,199 was really witnessing this huge potential. Now, a very important ingredient of any of 60 00:04:49,199 --> 00:04:53,309 the analysis results we have seen this year is of course, the accident detector 61 00:04:53,339 --> 00:04:57,299 understanding and the reconstruction performance and the experiments are 62 00:04:57,299 --> 00:05:01,469 exploding more and more low level machine learning algorithms. I think these these, 63 00:05:01,799 --> 00:05:06,419 these applications to to reconstruction is probably the most interesting of the ones 64 00:05:06,419 --> 00:05:10,619 we have seen from for the modern machine learning, in particular the deep networks, 65 00:05:10,829 --> 00:05:15,389 but most importantly of all, above all is the meticulous calibration of the 66 00:05:15,389 --> 00:05:19,589 algorithms with the data. And only this allows us then to make high precision 67 00:05:19,829 --> 00:05:23,399 measurements and such as and you see here are examples of jet engine calibration and 68 00:05:23,399 --> 00:05:30,089 CMS p jet tagging, calibration in Atlas and K and P ID efficiency in HCV. I could 69 00:05:30,089 --> 00:05:34,739 add alignment vertex in from from Alice, for example, and very important is also 70 00:05:34,739 --> 00:05:39,419 the precise luminosity measurement. And I think for many people in the LFC this was 71 00:05:39,419 --> 00:05:44,249 a surprise that we were able to measure a 2% level using the vendor map beam 72 00:05:44,249 --> 00:05:50,609 separation scans, the luminosity and on our experiments. Now, there was has been a 73 00:05:50,609 --> 00:05:54,269 harvest of cross section measurements which confirms the predictive power of the 74 00:05:54,269 --> 00:05:59,339 standard model these type of stairway stocks have been shown many many thought 75 00:05:59,549 --> 00:06:04,619 plots which many, many talks and this is a beautiful example from CMS. And it shows 76 00:06:04,709 --> 00:06:08,609 us so that has been huge progress on the theoretical calculation now next to next 77 00:06:08,609 --> 00:06:11,909 leading electricity. There has been a revolution. This is state of the art next 78 00:06:11,909 --> 00:06:15,929 leading order. Electric corrections are included and we have heard this week, it's 79 00:06:15,929 --> 00:06:21,239 going towards dragon as the fruit fly of particle physics next to next leading 80 00:06:21,239 --> 00:06:26,489 order QED electroweak correction. So this is really amazing. And one of the first 81 00:06:26,489 --> 00:06:33,359 experimental highlights in this week was the observation of tribals on production 82 00:06:33,419 --> 00:06:40,109 icms. You'll see here the various modes the combination is better is known now to 83 00:06:40,109 --> 00:06:45,089 modern 5.7 sigma. And this troublesome collection is a collection of several 84 00:06:45,119 --> 00:06:49,499 interesting diagrams in particular, you have here the try the triple gauge 85 00:06:49,499 --> 00:06:53,609 coupling, the quasi gauge coupling and the Higgs production all together contributing 86 00:06:53,789 --> 00:06:59,099 to these important processes. And this is a beautiful event display, offer a five 87 00:06:59,099 --> 00:07:07,709 lectern event In CMS is a very pure event. Now, somewhere here at about 12 femto 88 00:07:07,709 --> 00:07:13,679 bonds, we expect for top production to occur a spectacular massive state of 89 00:07:13,679 --> 00:07:18,749 almost 700 gV. So this is something which exists in the standard model and Atlas S 90 00:07:19,049 --> 00:07:25,649 has reported first evidence for this production with a significance of 4.4 91 00:07:25,649 --> 00:07:32,129 sigma and a measured cross section of 24 plus seven minus six. So here you see the 92 00:07:32,129 --> 00:07:37,079 BDT outputs of this analysis with a nice signal here in red, and you see in gray 93 00:07:37,079 --> 00:07:41,219 and so the Tw contribution which is one of the important backgrounds here, which has 94 00:07:41,219 --> 00:07:46,199 been fitted in this analysis and found to be 60% higher than predicted in the 95 00:07:46,199 --> 00:07:49,439 standard model, and this is consistent with other Atlas multi lepton analysis. 96 00:07:49,829 --> 00:07:55,289 This has been seen as well. Now this is an event display of four top candidate events 97 00:07:55,289 --> 00:07:59,369 where you have a dialect on channel here and seven jets of which four have been 98 00:07:59,369 --> 00:07:59,939 detected. 99 00:08:01,860 --> 00:08:07,440 Now I would like to recall also that hadron colliders, as was said, also by 100 00:08:07,470 --> 00:08:11,700 Eckhart enable high precision measurements. And we have many examples of 101 00:08:11,700 --> 00:08:16,200 this already, we have very precise W and extremely precise top mass measurements 102 00:08:16,530 --> 00:08:21,180 and science critical measurement, we have a very, very percent permitted level of 103 00:08:21,180 --> 00:08:25,590 precision on w sets, cross sections, the top cross sections as well flavor 104 00:08:25,590 --> 00:08:29,640 measurements. And so this is here's another example of a precise measurement. 105 00:08:29,640 --> 00:08:35,130 There has been a long standing 2.7 sigma lead pastor of the ratio of the Wu Tang to 106 00:08:35,130 --> 00:08:38,970 Tao and the Wu Tang to view with this result, you'll find in fact it is a bit 107 00:08:38,970 --> 00:08:45,870 driven by an error three results which is fairly high and tau and low in you. So 108 00:08:45,900 --> 00:08:49,980 this was something we wanted to test but you cannot just use a WD case inclusive 109 00:08:49,980 --> 00:08:53,280 ones because you have a trigger bias because you have to trigger these events. 110 00:08:53,490 --> 00:08:57,600 So then you you get additional systematic so it needs to clean props. So Atlas used 111 00:08:57,600 --> 00:09:02,910 to teach about events but you can take on one or two Either W, and then you can take 112 00:09:02,910 --> 00:09:07,230 30 seconds to mute us and then you can cancel systematic uncertainty stare, and 113 00:09:07,230 --> 00:09:11,460 you take the lifetime and the momentum to discriminate between prompt and delayed 114 00:09:11,700 --> 00:09:16,410 means and as a standard and find a value which is consistent with the standard 115 00:09:16,410 --> 00:09:22,170 model and twice more precise than the lab measurements. Now, I would like to come to 116 00:09:22,170 --> 00:09:27,720 the ldcs magnum opus, which is still the Higgs boson discovery allows us to access 117 00:09:27,990 --> 00:09:33,270 new sectors of the standard model. And we have to have a couplings, the gauge scalar 118 00:09:33,270 --> 00:09:37,170 boson interaction and of course, the Higgs potential, where we want to look into self 119 00:09:37,170 --> 00:09:42,870 coupling. So run one provided the discovery and the couplings to both zones 120 00:09:42,870 --> 00:09:46,800 and rantoul provided them the proof and measurement of Higgs couplings to the 121 00:09:46,800 --> 00:09:51,210 third generation fans and this is really a big thing. So these couplings here this 122 00:09:51,210 --> 00:09:56,340 yukata forces between elementary particles are a new form of interaction. It's not 123 00:09:56,370 --> 00:10:00,810 age false. It is non universal if you wish. It's a little bit like rap. Almost 124 00:10:01,110 --> 00:10:04,980 into describing the fate of the universe if you just think about if the electron 125 00:10:04,980 --> 00:10:08,430 had a mass of the moon, think about what happens and you can find the answer in 126 00:10:08,430 --> 00:10:13,740 this beautiful paper. Now, the experiments have continued with the full run to data 127 00:10:13,740 --> 00:10:18,900 sample to to look into these yukata couplings and the measurements are ready 128 00:10:18,900 --> 00:10:23,670 from Atlas and CMS. On the Higgs to BB channel Atlas has looked into VH 129 00:10:23,670 --> 00:10:27,930 production it has in this channel read the full data set observed the age production 130 00:10:27,930 --> 00:10:33,330 and strong evidence for W h and the overall cross section is in agreement with 131 00:10:33,330 --> 00:10:37,380 the standard mode we have here this beautiful shoulder from the Higgs Higgs to 132 00:10:37,380 --> 00:10:44,160 be BDK cmss locked in and very interesting analysis into heart jets were recoiling 133 00:10:44,160 --> 00:10:47,640 against the Higgs and the Higgs decaying to the development. So these are almost 134 00:10:47,640 --> 00:10:51,750 diegetic events as a substructure in one event. So this is interesting to look into 135 00:10:51,750 --> 00:10:57,390 high PT, where you have a mixture of several production modes and of course 136 00:10:57,390 --> 00:11:01,680 there is also sensitivity to new physics in this area. You See a beautiful event 137 00:11:01,680 --> 00:11:05,370 here, where you have here on the right side of the jet and on the left side you 138 00:11:05,370 --> 00:11:10,470 see the substructure of Higgs to VP candidates. And this is a striking example 139 00:11:10,470 --> 00:11:14,400 of the power of our detectors. And we desire to exploit it in many high mass 140 00:11:14,400 --> 00:11:19,770 such as the analysis of jet substrate by substrate by combining precisely that text 141 00:11:19,770 --> 00:11:22,590 into tracking and coloring with information measured in a dense 142 00:11:22,590 --> 00:11:28,620 environment. So, of course, we the experiments continue to produce properties 143 00:11:28,710 --> 00:11:31,980 here an example in the fall container using the full run to data set and I 144 00:11:31,980 --> 00:11:37,380 cannot look enough at this beautiful Higgs mass peak we see now in the follow on 145 00:11:37,380 --> 00:11:42,720 channel which is really fantastic. Until you see here two examples of measurements 146 00:11:42,750 --> 00:11:48,510 in of the differential section measurement of the Hicks for Hicks PT spectrum in good 147 00:11:48,510 --> 00:11:52,710 agreement so far with the Standard Model expectation and also measurements from 148 00:11:52,710 --> 00:11:56,370 simplified template cross sections constraint on effective effective few 149 00:11:56,370 --> 00:11:57,360 theory parameters. 150 00:11:58,860 --> 00:12:04,170 Now Looking into into the Aqaba coupling of course, a big and a very important 151 00:12:04,170 --> 00:12:09,120 question is to understand whether there is CP violation in these in these couplings, 152 00:12:09,120 --> 00:12:13,890 we know that we have to look for additional CP violating phenomena beyond 153 00:12:13,890 --> 00:12:16,920 the standard model. And so, this is a very interesting area to look in particularly 154 00:12:16,920 --> 00:12:21,750 the topics coupling which is so big. And so, a great channel to look into this is 155 00:12:21,750 --> 00:12:27,750 the t th channel and this is a beautiful a peek here from CMS which it allows t th 156 00:12:27,750 --> 00:12:32,820 and Hicks to gamma gamma allow us to observe this mode with 6.6 standard 157 00:12:32,820 --> 00:12:37,320 deviations and both experiments have looked into this channel to try to see 158 00:12:37,320 --> 00:12:42,870 whether there are CP odd contributions to the CP even. And this can be parameterised 159 00:12:42,870 --> 00:12:47,430 by a mixing angle for him. You see here the chi square constraint from iPhone this 160 00:12:47,430 --> 00:12:51,720 angle and you see it is compatible with zero. There is not a limit on 43 and a 161 00:12:51,720 --> 00:12:58,920 full CP odd contribution is excluded by 3.9 sigma from this analysis. There's also 162 00:12:58,950 --> 00:13:04,200 other ways to study The cover coupling in particular for the top by looking into a 163 00:13:04,200 --> 00:13:08,970 detailed kinematic properties of the of TT bar production here for example, an 164 00:13:08,970 --> 00:13:13,860 example from CMS, which looked into Tiki Bar production and measured the TT bar in 165 00:13:13,860 --> 00:13:18,990 the iron mask by looking into the bl mass of a dialect on Tiki Bar production and 166 00:13:19,140 --> 00:13:23,970 hear these type of electric diagrams give then constraints allowed to constrain your 167 00:13:23,970 --> 00:13:28,410 cover coupling and the ratio of your cover coupling over expected you have a coupling 168 00:13:28,500 --> 00:13:33,960 here has been measured by CMS to be compatible with one with about 20 to 30% 169 00:13:33,960 --> 00:13:39,300 uncertainty, which is compatible and competitive with the direct measurements 170 00:13:39,300 --> 00:13:44,130 and it's a very interesting indirect test. Now, of course, the experiments continue 171 00:13:44,130 --> 00:13:48,630 to look into radicals of the Higgs second generation they are very fast results 172 00:13:48,630 --> 00:13:52,650 preliminary of the full data set have been shown already before. This is a new 173 00:13:52,650 --> 00:13:57,210 analysis from Atlas looking into zet gamma is that gamma is a little bit similar to 174 00:13:57,210 --> 00:14:02,520 gamma gamma but it has a slightly different Loop induced diagrams, it has a 175 00:14:02,520 --> 00:14:07,020 very low branch infection. But and of course sensitivity to new physics, which 176 00:14:07,020 --> 00:14:11,370 is different from that and needs to come at ama. Atlas is a little excess here it 177 00:14:11,370 --> 00:14:17,790 is about 2.2 point two sigma with a mu of two and a 50% uncertainty. And this here 178 00:14:17,790 --> 00:14:22,380 is a candidate event, we have the debt to new neurons and the 14 year and I'm very, 179 00:14:22,380 --> 00:14:28,320 very, very keen and then of course, the Higgs is a probe of dark matter. So if 180 00:14:28,350 --> 00:14:33,150 dark matter is massive, it could or should cover to the Higgs boson and they it 181 00:14:33,150 --> 00:14:37,620 wasn't could be the potter to a whole Dark Sector, as we have heard before this 182 00:14:37,620 --> 00:14:42,780 morning. So invisible Higgs decays can be probed through associated production for 183 00:14:42,780 --> 00:14:48,780 example, associated with the vector boson fusion, so safavid ships within rapidity 184 00:14:48,780 --> 00:14:52,830 gap or other processes. So, this one vector was a fusion is the most powerful 185 00:14:52,830 --> 00:14:57,240 one and has been looked at by class with the full range of data sets and UEFI are 186 00:14:57,240 --> 00:15:01,080 an example of the digests in there and mass very high end as one would expect 187 00:15:01,410 --> 00:15:06,030 excesses of events if there is an invisible SDK and this analysis allows us 188 00:15:06,030 --> 00:15:11,820 to set an upper limit of 13% for this type of case, and it can be translated into a 189 00:15:11,820 --> 00:15:16,560 very interesting constraint into the look on cross section to compare it and show 190 00:15:16,560 --> 00:15:20,490 the complementarity of this measurement with the direct searches in particular, at 191 00:15:20,490 --> 00:15:21,690 low mass as you can see, 192 00:15:22,980 --> 00:15:28,050 now, it is clear that the brute Angular Higgs mechanism is real. This we have 193 00:15:28,050 --> 00:15:32,490 learned and if you look at the couplings in this type of the copper couplings here 194 00:15:32,490 --> 00:15:38,550 from CMS or the direct compared to the to the particle masses, it is clear that we 195 00:15:38,550 --> 00:15:43,470 have a non universal coupling so the scalar sector is as expected and this is 196 00:15:43,470 --> 00:15:47,310 directly connected with very profound questions related to natural vacuum 197 00:15:47,310 --> 00:15:51,990 stability, energy and flavor and the Higgs boson discovery now gives us a tool to 198 00:15:51,990 --> 00:15:55,890 directly study the sector requiring a very broad experimental program that will 199 00:15:55,890 --> 00:16:00,540 extend over decades and experts into smaller we have learned in school That 200 00:16:00,540 --> 00:16:04,170 expose on moderates high energy longitudinal vegetables and scattering. 201 00:16:04,170 --> 00:16:09,000 So, this type of diagrams on the right upper right are exploding and breaking 202 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:14,790 unitarity if you go up in energy and so, with the Hicks exchange you get a minus 203 00:16:14,790 --> 00:16:18,480 sign and these amplitudes which moderates this contribution if the X is not too 204 00:16:18,480 --> 00:16:21,690 heavy, which is of course the case. So, this is the mechanism you need to test and 205 00:16:21,690 --> 00:16:27,120 the experiments test this by looking at vegetables and electroweak qq vv 206 00:16:27,120 --> 00:16:31,470 production. So, you see here the father tests and then here we have aquatic 207 00:16:31,470 --> 00:16:35,700 coupling This is not in the gauge invariant diagram. So you need to add 208 00:16:35,880 --> 00:16:39,720 other electroweak processes to this to advocate in varying formulations. So we 209 00:16:39,720 --> 00:16:43,890 look for electronic production and we have to separate this from strong production. 210 00:16:44,310 --> 00:16:48,600 And the history here is that electronic production has been observed during run to 211 00:16:48,870 --> 00:16:56,400 WWE, same site WWE JJ by CMS in 2017 others in 2019, and then w Zed, JJ and Zed 212 00:16:56,400 --> 00:17:01,560 Zed, JJ back lesson 2018 and 19. And we have another In this week, beautiful new 213 00:17:01,560 --> 00:17:07,230 measurements from CMS of these processes. electroweak w gamma JJ with these type of 214 00:17:07,230 --> 00:17:12,030 quality couplings observed with 5.8 standard deviations. And then here the 215 00:17:12,030 --> 00:17:17,370 center JJ analysis from CMS using the full run to data sample involving these type of 216 00:17:17,370 --> 00:17:21,840 quality couplings. And this says there's evidence with far simplified into nice 217 00:17:21,960 --> 00:17:27,030 excess here for the discriminating variable. Now, run to a scene the 218 00:17:27,030 --> 00:17:32,550 observation of electroweak qq vv production and as I showed you, tribals on 219 00:17:32,550 --> 00:17:37,620 production, probing Hicks moderation requires higher math studies in the dye 220 00:17:37,650 --> 00:17:42,210 dye jet mass. So this is physics, we were to doing one three and eventually, we need 221 00:17:42,240 --> 00:17:46,860 to isolate the longitudinally polarized components at large delta phi j, j. And 222 00:17:46,860 --> 00:17:50,970 this is really physics of the high velocity hc. This is my theoretical work 223 00:17:50,970 --> 00:17:55,230 needed for precise predictions of these complex processes. And I would just like 224 00:17:55,230 --> 00:17:59,610 to show you one example where we see the deficiencies we currently have. So this is 225 00:17:59,610 --> 00:18:05,520 a New analysis with the full run today vbf electroweak zet plus vbf production by 226 00:18:05,520 --> 00:18:09,330 Atlas and you see pre fits the distribution see and the control regions 227 00:18:09,330 --> 00:18:13,440 and the signal region. So, the controller is I used to correct the predictions from 228 00:18:13,560 --> 00:18:17,610 from the strong productions Ajay to get a nice prediction here but it would of 229 00:18:17,610 --> 00:18:21,600 course, be much better have you from the start a good description good modeling of 230 00:18:21,600 --> 00:18:27,030 these processes these are very complicated processes to model. Now, I want to switch 231 00:18:27,030 --> 00:18:30,840 gears and move to flavor physics and spectroscopy. This is a beautiful picture 232 00:18:30,840 --> 00:18:35,010 of the opening of the HCV detector you see the dipole here this is the natural colors 233 00:18:35,040 --> 00:18:39,990 as the kind of the the photograph was done. So the success of the Standard Model 234 00:18:39,990 --> 00:18:44,430 flavor sector is since long a source of discomfort for beyond the standard model 235 00:18:44,430 --> 00:18:50,430 of physics, as are the anomalies a source of excitement. Now, I would like to start 236 00:18:50,430 --> 00:18:53,460 this section with a little bit of bread and butter physics, which is very, very 237 00:18:53,460 --> 00:18:57,930 important. And so the secret magic skips has four parameters and these are four out 238 00:18:57,930 --> 00:19:01,860 of the 19 standard model fundamental Assembling parameters we need to know this 239 00:19:02,010 --> 00:19:06,090 with best possible position and electricity has greatly contributed 240 00:19:06,090 --> 00:19:09,960 already to ck metrology in particular through a large set of gamma measurements, 241 00:19:10,320 --> 00:19:14,340 which is really an industry in lsv of these measurements. This is a fantastic 242 00:19:15,210 --> 00:19:19,440 achievement what they have already produced on gamma. But now industry is a 243 00:19:19,440 --> 00:19:24,150 serious and contributes to VCP and fee up determination directly and there is a long 244 00:19:24,150 --> 00:19:28,110 standing tension in these between exclusive and inclusive results. And 245 00:19:28,110 --> 00:19:32,190 you'll see this on this plot. On the left. You see this is the word average of the 246 00:19:32,220 --> 00:19:36,480 exclusive results vo v versus VCP. And these are the inclusive results you see a 247 00:19:36,480 --> 00:19:41,310 really big tension between the two. And this is now really hampering progress in 248 00:19:41,310 --> 00:19:46,350 this area and LCB has joined this also from VCP they had already mentioned the 249 00:19:46,350 --> 00:19:51,510 Wii U V over VCP from lambda v decays, but now there is a VCB measurement from BSD 250 00:19:51,510 --> 00:19:56,670 cases. The first time I think this has been measured in VC in the SDKs. In the US 251 00:19:56,670 --> 00:19:59,430 another approach to estimate the requirement because there there is 252 00:19:59,430 --> 00:20:03,540 additional interest Neither the factories can use the energy constraint to determine 253 00:20:03,540 --> 00:20:08,010 the nutrient which he or she cannot. So, they use a novel approach to not to not 254 00:20:08,010 --> 00:20:11,970 suffer from this from this additional neutrino, but it needs some theoretical 255 00:20:11,970 --> 00:20:17,250 input to get out of the measurement of the regular shape to the VCP measurement. And 256 00:20:17,280 --> 00:20:21,300 this is used to there are two results from VA from LCP and both are currently 257 00:20:21,510 --> 00:20:25,920 compatible with the exclusive and inclusive determination. So this is not 258 00:20:26,160 --> 00:20:29,280 enough now to distinguish the two but this is certainly very important and 259 00:20:29,280 --> 00:20:33,720 interesting inputs. Now we have either had new measurements of time dependent 260 00:20:33,780 --> 00:20:39,360 evaluation to be system so the fai S is precisely predicted understanding mind for 261 00:20:39,360 --> 00:20:44,160 me. This is the platen channel to look for new physics in the flavor. CP vibrating 262 00:20:44,160 --> 00:20:47,220 sector. It's not only the golden channel, it's really Platinum because it's so well 263 00:20:47,220 --> 00:20:54,060 predicted. And there has been new CMS results using the 2018 2007 2018 data a 264 00:20:54,060 --> 00:20:59,250 total of 96 in less than two months here and using 11 parameter physics fits on it 265 00:20:59,250 --> 00:21:03,510 so directly violating endogenous parameter, this has been combined with one 266 00:21:03,540 --> 00:21:08,550 one and this past year from private from Thomas, who made this for me his shows the 267 00:21:08,610 --> 00:21:13,290 results which are so far available, this is the new ca CMS result this is the 268 00:21:13,290 --> 00:21:16,650 combination of our HCV results and this is the Atlas results you see there is a 269 00:21:16,650 --> 00:21:21,720 little tension This is preliminary design here some tension, which we have to 270 00:21:21,720 --> 00:21:27,990 understand before moving on. Now, another very important topic is rowdy case 271 00:21:28,020 --> 00:21:33,540 Overall, we have seen in many theories talk the huge amount of statistics, we 272 00:21:33,540 --> 00:21:38,310 have the LFC in all experiments and we need really to use this to look as much as 273 00:21:38,310 --> 00:21:43,320 possible for any type of radicals. Because these are suppressed decays they have loop 274 00:21:43,320 --> 00:21:47,520 amplitudes very often and small beyond the sandbar contributions can make measurable 275 00:21:47,550 --> 00:21:53,430 differences here. And I want to highlight this beautiful new and HCP result from a 276 00:21:53,430 --> 00:21:57,030 favorite hunter to come close this case shot to new which is predicted by 277 00:21:57,030 --> 00:22:00,930 understand and model to be 510 to minus 12 there is quite some Haven't you from long 278 00:22:00,930 --> 00:22:06,300 distance physics effects, decay long decay to Mew Mew is 6.8 10 to minus nine this 279 00:22:06,300 --> 00:22:11,040 has been seen already, but not this case short decay and C and lcps look for it 280 00:22:11,580 --> 00:22:17,430 using using the 2011 2012 data source, there's more to come and they found an 281 00:22:17,430 --> 00:22:21,540 upper limit of 210 to minus 10. So still two orders of magnitude away from the 282 00:22:21,540 --> 00:22:26,550 prediction. So there's a lot of room for for looking for new things. Now, of 283 00:22:26,550 --> 00:22:30,660 course, I have to mention the status of anomalies I want to be fairly brief on 284 00:22:30,660 --> 00:22:36,090 this. So we have the R D star anomalies. So the D star to tell you over these types 285 00:22:36,090 --> 00:22:40,680 of you are ready to turn up to your heads the contention has been reduced a little 286 00:22:40,680 --> 00:22:45,660 bit by 2019 better result which was in agreement with the standard model. And but 287 00:22:45,660 --> 00:22:49,680 the remaining tension in an overall analysis by ah laugh with the head failure 288 00:22:49,680 --> 00:22:54,090 actually average in group is 3.1 sigma still here in this channel. Then we have 289 00:22:54,090 --> 00:23:01,560 this interesting rk star and rk ratios which are B to k star MIMO. KE can you 290 00:23:01,560 --> 00:23:06,810 over k. In fact, experimentally, these are double ratios, so they're normalized to J 291 00:23:06,810 --> 00:23:12,870 size. And here we have lsps. Driving this physics so far, the most precise results 292 00:23:12,870 --> 00:23:18,990 for our K is 2.5. Sigma below the standard model. And for ik star in the two lowest 293 00:23:18,990 --> 00:23:24,810 use carbon couscous, the entire mass of the two millions, is 2.3, between 20 and 294 00:23:24,810 --> 00:23:29,190 25 sigma. So there's a new result from HCP, which was shown at this conference, 295 00:23:29,190 --> 00:23:35,370 which is London, B two to proton K and loomio. Over the electron case, again here 296 00:23:35,550 --> 00:23:39,810 are as measured as a double ratio, compared to over over the JCI. And the 297 00:23:39,810 --> 00:23:43,590 result here is point eight six with uncertainties which are compatible with 298 00:23:43,590 --> 00:23:46,740 the Standard Model, but again, it's a bit lower than the standard model. And this 299 00:23:46,770 --> 00:23:51,660 analysis comes with the observation of course, this in fact of this v2, PK, 300 00:23:52,680 --> 00:23:57,330 emotive modern seven sigma, then there has been a new result on the case on new 301 00:23:57,330 --> 00:24:04,110 Angular analysis which is is famous p prime five observer but in fact LCD does a 302 00:24:04,110 --> 00:24:09,840 global fit of all observables using some theoretical interpretation as well, and 303 00:24:09,840 --> 00:24:16,080 this global fit gifts overall discrepancy with this particular model of 3.3 sigma. 304 00:24:16,620 --> 00:24:20,820 So here I think there's only one firm conclusion at this stage, which is clear 305 00:24:20,820 --> 00:24:25,170 that we need more data in particular for these ratios which are very interesting 306 00:24:25,170 --> 00:24:28,440 because they don't have any uncertain any theoretical uncertainty. So then of 307 00:24:28,440 --> 00:24:35,160 course, every year, we enjoy additional new states strong states. So we had these 308 00:24:35,160 --> 00:24:41,580 ones this year. So this is the observation by CMS of a BS decay to x 3872. This one 309 00:24:41,580 --> 00:24:46,140 decays into j sy pi pi and together with a five decay beautiful peachy a very 310 00:24:46,140 --> 00:24:53,910 significant and they find that comparing it in the vs to b by b plus ratio with 311 00:24:54,060 --> 00:24:59,580 site to business site to s shows a different behavior the ratio is in sight 312 00:24:59,580 --> 00:25:04,350 to SSI. Point 87. And it is about one half for the study at 72, which shows a bit 313 00:25:04,350 --> 00:25:08,970 that the study at 72 isn't quite normal shambling on stage. And I think we had 314 00:25:09,090 --> 00:25:14,340 several indications already of this. And it's to be had in your observation, often 315 00:25:14,340 --> 00:25:21,360 excited, omega b to SSP. So it's an SSP I forgot what this means, I had to look it 316 00:25:21,360 --> 00:25:28,590 up decay to say B, which is ust and Kalyan and yummy w was itself discovered by CDF 317 00:25:28,590 --> 00:25:36,300 in 2009. And they in this mass spectrum of the psi p k minus the ellipse, we find 318 00:25:36,330 --> 00:25:40,890 these very interesting peaks. There are two very significant ones and two smaller 319 00:25:40,890 --> 00:25:44,460 ones which need a bit more data to see if they're significant and this is very 320 00:25:44,460 --> 00:25:52,050 quantitative a very similar to the to the corresponding omega c c k minus spectrum 321 00:25:52,050 --> 00:25:56,520 which results are discovered by Lh CB, and so this is consistent with the expectation 322 00:25:56,520 --> 00:26:02,040 from from an n equals one excitation of the current state. So, in addition to be 323 00:26:02,040 --> 00:26:08,730 observed these extra excited excited zero c DC s states in the decay to lambda c 324 00:26:08,730 --> 00:26:13,740 plus and k minus are very significant states here and a little shoulder here it 325 00:26:13,740 --> 00:26:17,490 is not understood currently and more data is needed to understand whether this is 326 00:26:17,490 --> 00:26:22,560 something significant. Now, I move to heavy ion physics, high density strong 327 00:26:22,560 --> 00:26:26,430 matter, and also the physics of strong electromagnetic fields that I will show at 328 00:26:26,430 --> 00:26:30,480 the very end. So, I want to start with this seminar, beautiful plug from Alice 329 00:26:30,480 --> 00:26:35,040 which was in an earlier version published by nature physics and this is really very 330 00:26:35,040 --> 00:26:39,330 rich of physics. So, we're just showing us here this the the, the size of the system 331 00:26:39,330 --> 00:26:43,260 so you're moving from left to the right to larger and larger system so proton proton 332 00:26:43,260 --> 00:26:48,270 here lead lead here. And on the y axis, it's the ratio of leads to pipelines 333 00:26:48,270 --> 00:26:52,560 pipelines and the the different data points are more and more strangeness as 334 00:26:52,560 --> 00:26:57,420 you go down. So you start with protons, canes, lambdas, file size and army guys 335 00:26:57,450 --> 00:27:02,670 completely strange, strange particles. Yeah. So, the hydrogen overpaying ratio 336 00:27:02,670 --> 00:27:08,490 smoothly evolves across the multiplicity reaching thermal values in lead collision. 337 00:27:08,490 --> 00:27:13,890 So, the rise of the strangeness is the sort of rise you see a low and no for 338 00:27:13,890 --> 00:27:20,040 small system but the rise strain is as the steeper the stranger the particles are, 339 00:27:20,190 --> 00:27:24,330 and there's no squared of s depends on the solute, the low multiplicity, pp data 340 00:27:24,330 --> 00:27:27,780 described by pythia. So, these points are described, but then PCs constant of 341 00:27:27,780 --> 00:27:31,980 course, so this rising effect is not as hard as competition. So, the increase of 342 00:27:31,980 --> 00:27:35,940 the ratio could indicate thermal production of strangeness independently of 343 00:27:35,940 --> 00:27:39,240 the size of the system. So that's very interesting. So, you have recombination 344 00:27:39,240 --> 00:27:44,010 quite a sense of strangeness. So then, the high multiplicity BP seem to have a 345 00:27:44,010 --> 00:27:48,930 similar hydro chemistry as the fully feminized system. So now, the question is, 346 00:27:48,960 --> 00:27:52,440 is it possible to understand the behavior of large systems from pattern re 347 00:27:52,440 --> 00:27:56,580 scattering in the smart systems and they are interesting theoretical models now, 348 00:27:56,700 --> 00:28:01,290 which allow this quantitative description we have heard about this this week. Now, 349 00:28:01,890 --> 00:28:06,690 true collectivity in smaller systems has been established with I've shown you the 350 00:28:06,690 --> 00:28:11,880 beautiful rich from CMS from 2010. But now of course, all the experiments have done 351 00:28:11,880 --> 00:28:18,540 multiple measurements and this v2 elliptic flow parameter has been measured in many 352 00:28:18,540 --> 00:28:22,140 many details and this is a beautiful platform Alice, averaging the various 353 00:28:22,140 --> 00:28:26,520 systems from smaller to larger and showing a very consistent picture. And it is 354 00:28:26,520 --> 00:28:30,930 really this the smart system collectivity was revealed by applying techniques from 355 00:28:30,930 --> 00:28:34,920 heavy ion physics, in photon photon physics, this is very interesting, if you 356 00:28:34,920 --> 00:28:38,520 look at the plots, so, the theoretical annaleigh analysis of the precise lead 357 00:28:38,520 --> 00:28:44,370 flow data show that the shear viscosity of the Quark gluon plasma is 10 times lower 358 00:28:44,550 --> 00:28:49,290 than for any other form of matter. So, this is an almost perfect fluids. 359 00:28:51,330 --> 00:28:56,220 Now, looking into hot probes, we have I understood that the suppression of 360 00:28:56,220 --> 00:29:00,540 strongly interacting probes in led led collisions this has been uniformly After 361 00:29:00,540 --> 00:29:05,130 you see a cut here from Atlas of this nuclear modification array, which is 362 00:29:05,130 --> 00:29:10,830 basically the library cross section ratio divided by proton proton cross section and 363 00:29:10,830 --> 00:29:16,140 corrected for geometrical factor and you see if it is throughout for strongly 364 00:29:16,140 --> 00:29:21,090 interacting particles smaller than one with some peculiar pattern and it is one 365 00:29:21,120 --> 00:29:25,950 consistent with one for colorless particulates in this case is Zed and Ws 366 00:29:25,950 --> 00:29:30,180 but also for photons. So, that's very interesting. So, this colorless particles 367 00:29:30,180 --> 00:29:34,740 can be used as probes to understand the nuclear PDS but also as momentum 368 00:29:34,740 --> 00:29:40,530 references in for example, Jet quenching analysis. So, now, what is jet quenching 369 00:29:40,530 --> 00:29:43,860 and I find this quite interesting. So, there is there has been a lot learned 370 00:29:43,860 --> 00:29:49,710 since the initial discovery observation of jet quenching in 2010. And so, you see 371 00:29:49,710 --> 00:29:55,020 this beautiful plot from CMS where it shows the the amount of particulates 372 00:29:55,020 --> 00:30:00,000 compared to the data are of a particle energetic compared to the jet axis. So, we 373 00:30:00,000 --> 00:30:04,110 Like larger data you go out of the covenant you see that in the amount of 374 00:30:04,470 --> 00:30:08,790 higher energy particles are reduced and low energy particles I increase increase. 375 00:30:08,790 --> 00:30:13,620 So, the energy in fact, the picture is the energy goes out of the cone. This is what 376 00:30:13,620 --> 00:30:20,100 happens in generation. Now, I want to show you results of Konya physics as well in 377 00:30:20,100 --> 00:30:25,290 heavy ion collisions. So, there is an interesting competition between 378 00:30:25,290 --> 00:30:30,570 suppression and recombination in the D confined meeting in the cochlea and 379 00:30:30,570 --> 00:30:35,820 plasma. So, the color screening at high temperature even the very narrow the CC 380 00:30:35,820 --> 00:30:40,470 value sets are melted at very high temperature. So, this is the famous effect 381 00:30:40,470 --> 00:30:47,220 of kind of screening which we see here in this product at high PT for for verges 382 00:30:47,220 --> 00:30:52,020 high production, but at low PT in fact there Konya can also be regenerated in the 383 00:30:52,020 --> 00:30:56,700 cochlea and passing by recombination clusters of heavy took you back pass. And 384 00:30:56,700 --> 00:31:00,720 you'll see here this is this is coming back so lower pity In fact, This this 385 00:31:00,720 --> 00:31:07,740 competition here the recombination wins over cancers the dissociation from the 386 00:31:07,740 --> 00:31:11,700 matching process. So this is very, very interesting phenomenon. Now we can look 387 00:31:11,700 --> 00:31:16,830 at, so the JSON is very smaller downstate we can look into broad advances like the 388 00:31:16,830 --> 00:31:21,180 Upsilon, or even the opposite resonance. And here this is a very beautiful plot, 389 00:31:21,180 --> 00:31:26,460 which was shown already before, for the for the suppressant suppression and 390 00:31:26,460 --> 00:31:31,350 central led led collisions of the higher oxidation states. So there's a stronger 391 00:31:31,350 --> 00:31:35,790 suppression for loosely bound systems and the Tamia are less affected by this 392 00:31:35,790 --> 00:31:39,870 recombination effect because they have a lot lower bV cross section. And so this is 393 00:31:39,870 --> 00:31:45,150 why this doesn't play a role here, right? It plays a role in production. Now, the 394 00:31:45,150 --> 00:31:49,290 high statistics in the data in the lead lead collision allows us to look expense 395 00:31:49,290 --> 00:31:54,300 to look for new probes. CMS has done this here in this beautiful evidence for TT 396 00:31:54,300 --> 00:31:59,100 about production in lead lead collisions. And I must say, I must admit when I saw 397 00:31:59,100 --> 00:32:02,670 this first, it's an Because when I thought about so why is that interesting because 398 00:32:02,670 --> 00:32:07,860 the the top decay so fast because before the Korean plasma has even any chance to 399 00:32:07,860 --> 00:32:12,420 create, but there is this nice theoretical paper here which shows that in fact, if 400 00:32:12,420 --> 00:32:15,540 you look at the top mass if you had enough statistics and you could look at the top 401 00:32:15,540 --> 00:32:16,500 nice, you can in fact 402 00:32:18,119 --> 00:32:23,789 derive from from the top mass from the disk from the deformation of the top mass 403 00:32:23,969 --> 00:32:28,019 information on the time structure of the coagulation plasma. So that's very, very 404 00:32:28,019 --> 00:32:32,909 interesting to look at. Now, Ellis has produced very new interesting results on 405 00:32:32,909 --> 00:32:37,679 light, anti nuclei and nuclei production and absorption is a very beautiful 406 00:32:37,679 --> 00:32:41,249 measurement, in fact, and so they have measured for example, the cross section of 407 00:32:41,279 --> 00:32:45,659 the ratio of untied return on production, try 10 production, hidden three 408 00:32:45,659 --> 00:32:51,569 production, two protons, and we see that in this plot here, again, versus the size 409 00:32:51,569 --> 00:32:55,949 of the system, that it there's a fairly smooth transition across colliding system 410 00:32:55,949 --> 00:32:59,729 again, so we have a very similar production mechanism for all for all these 411 00:32:59,729 --> 00:33:07,349 parts. Because the smoky eye. And this is very interesting for other types of cosmic 412 00:33:07,349 --> 00:33:13,949 ray studies, anti meta studies in the universe, as I said also shown a low PT, 413 00:33:14,189 --> 00:33:18,149 anti deuteron cross section measurement where they use their detector as an 414 00:33:18,149 --> 00:33:21,839 absorber to measure the cross section with its own detecting material. This is a 415 00:33:21,839 --> 00:33:27,539 beautiful idea to do. Okay, so I've showed you in the beginning that the heavier 416 00:33:27,539 --> 00:33:32,189 inclusions are also strong electromagnetic field collisions if the heavy ions pass 417 00:33:32,189 --> 00:33:36,449 just by so so then very close by but not close enough so that there's no strong 418 00:33:36,449 --> 00:33:41,039 interaction. And in this case, is the heavy ions can produce electromagnetic 419 00:33:41,039 --> 00:33:45,089 fields have a field strength of the 10 to the 25th volts per meter, so that's huge. 420 00:33:45,299 --> 00:33:50,609 And then this huge field strength we can produce we can observe very rare events of 421 00:33:50,609 --> 00:33:53,909 this type of light, but light scattering This was observed patterns last year and 422 00:33:53,909 --> 00:33:58,169 Atlas has looked now into more data, including the 2015 data has made fast 423 00:33:58,169 --> 00:34:03,839 measurements of the differential correction and also looked into the mass 424 00:34:03,839 --> 00:34:09,419 in the mass spectrum, which it could look at and obtain the very constraint limits 425 00:34:09,629 --> 00:34:16,469 on on accident like particles between 60 and 100 g from this measurements. Now I 426 00:34:16,469 --> 00:34:21,599 move to searches for new physics is a broad and deep as hell just continue many 427 00:34:21,599 --> 00:34:26,009 exploiting the detector in in new and genius ways and not always envisioned by 428 00:34:26,009 --> 00:34:30,749 the designers but it's possible thanks to the system redundancy. So any new detector 429 00:34:30,749 --> 00:34:35,279 developer you have to build redundant detectors which is very important. And you 430 00:34:35,279 --> 00:34:39,329 see a beautiful example of an event there for Tiki Bar resonance search and you see 431 00:34:39,329 --> 00:34:44,309 here the three jet structure of the boosted top which was reconstructed here 432 00:34:44,309 --> 00:34:48,779 in this case in the Air Force detector. So moving directly to TT by resonance search, 433 00:34:48,779 --> 00:34:54,539 there has been big improvements by using deep neural networks to to do the tagging 434 00:34:54,719 --> 00:35:01,289 of the substructure component in all types of heavy hydrants. Heavy Metal heavy 435 00:35:01,469 --> 00:35:07,799 bosons w set H and the top Quark. And you see here, a spectrum measured in Atlas on 436 00:35:07,799 --> 00:35:12,239 the food rental data set, not seeing any excess and setting a limit on some Zed 437 00:35:12,239 --> 00:35:19,199 prime model of for TV. similar in spirit, we have here a beautiful analysis from CMS 438 00:35:19,199 --> 00:35:23,789 looking into typos and resonances in the fully hydronic search again, so we haven't 439 00:35:23,849 --> 00:35:30,419 printed a tool jet event with substructure and CMS could boost their performance by 440 00:35:30,419 --> 00:35:36,599 using another 3d fit method by fitting the individual masses with off the fat jets 441 00:35:36,719 --> 00:35:40,919 and the overall mass and all this together again for 30% better sensitivity you have 442 00:35:40,919 --> 00:35:46,229 two categories here the low cut low purity category, the high purity category and 443 00:35:46,229 --> 00:35:53,399 overall, this gave very sensitive limits of 3.8 t v on w prime production for 444 00:35:53,399 --> 00:35:58,109 example, I would like Suzy super supersymmetry show quickly an example of 445 00:35:58,109 --> 00:36:04,049 maybe a little bit less typical Which is a analysis to analysis looking for our 446 00:36:04,049 --> 00:36:09,239 parity violation yet in electric Makino production and stop production in this 447 00:36:09,239 --> 00:36:16,079 electric you know BK these so there is this this decay of a charge enter into a 448 00:36:16,079 --> 00:36:19,319 lepton and does that so you have in fact, there's three left on resonance with the 449 00:36:19,319 --> 00:36:23,219 mass of the charge you know, I just looked for this. So, look for resonances in three 450 00:36:23,219 --> 00:36:27,689 leptons silent states and did not find anyone here and another in this stop 451 00:36:27,689 --> 00:36:31,949 search. The the stop the charge the charge in overlook will decay into VBS file 452 00:36:31,949 --> 00:36:36,359 instead. So you have many peacocks in the fine state. So the analysis signature here 453 00:36:36,359 --> 00:36:41,489 is many jets many big rocks and I just looked here at events with up to nine jets 454 00:36:41,489 --> 00:36:47,069 and five peacocks, which of course needed strongly data driven backhoe determination 455 00:36:47,069 --> 00:36:51,149 methods. If you want to have the overall picture of such as for simplicity, we have 456 00:36:51,149 --> 00:36:56,789 your platform CMS greener production and stop production in the simplest forms. And 457 00:36:56,789 --> 00:37:02,609 you'll see that the limits are very strong already. Do we know sweet About to TV only 458 00:37:02,639 --> 00:37:09,029 not excluded for very heavy Molina's. Similar for stop production up to 1.2 TV 459 00:37:09,029 --> 00:37:14,009 on are the limits putting natural is really at a very strong stress here and 460 00:37:14,009 --> 00:37:17,249 the electrification of production the harder in the harder mode with heavy slept 461 00:37:17,249 --> 00:37:22,499 on so decaying two W's and w h see here the limit up to about 700 gV on a 462 00:37:23,039 --> 00:37:23,489 production 463 00:37:24,780 --> 00:37:31,200 now I would move to the Dark Sector briefly and longest particle searches. So 464 00:37:31,230 --> 00:37:37,080 there has been a number of new experiments around the nhc and DSPs proposed and some 465 00:37:37,080 --> 00:37:40,800 of them approved to look for long lift neutral particles. These could be for 466 00:37:40,800 --> 00:37:44,670 example, heavy neutral leptons. So this would be kind of sterile neutrinos, dark 467 00:37:44,670 --> 00:37:49,170 photon stock status x light particles, you see them all here in this ring. And the 468 00:37:49,170 --> 00:37:52,980 phaser one is in fact already fully approved and in production in in 469 00:37:52,980 --> 00:37:57,540 construction and you see here, pictures of the civil civil servants civil engineering 470 00:37:57,540 --> 00:38:03,060 back to prepare phase in the tunnel, but finally At 80 meters upstream, and I want 471 00:38:03,060 --> 00:38:08,670 to show as an example, analysis here, a beautiful search by LCD looking into a 472 00:38:08,670 --> 00:38:12,300 dark photon and we have this combination over the dark photon is the particle 473 00:38:12,300 --> 00:38:16,020 between the Standard Model sector and the dark matter sector and it makes us with 474 00:38:16,020 --> 00:38:20,160 the standard water photon and this mixing coefficient epsilon, we have seen already 475 00:38:20,160 --> 00:38:25,230 in the talk before epsilon versus the mass of the primes, usually what is shown by 476 00:38:25,230 --> 00:38:29,040 the experiment and so this fantastic analysis to look these are uncertainties. 477 00:38:29,040 --> 00:38:33,030 And this is a huge statistics of the diamond mass spectrum. The gray areas are 478 00:38:33,030 --> 00:38:37,530 the known resonances. And LC was looking for additional small tiny resonances 479 00:38:37,890 --> 00:38:42,690 around the spectrum did not find it but we're setting quite impressive upper 480 00:38:42,690 --> 00:38:47,070 limits on these a prime production. Now, we've heard by Kate 481 00:38:48,329 --> 00:38:55,139 this this this noon that the dark matter searches at the LSE can be done either 482 00:38:55,139 --> 00:39:00,329 directly through recoil of this type here. So you would produce the metta party would 483 00:39:00,329 --> 00:39:03,719 have missing energy. And you would have some required particles like a jet, for 484 00:39:03,719 --> 00:39:07,559 example, which would recoil against missing energy. Or you can look at it 485 00:39:07,559 --> 00:39:10,619 through this set prime media to production, which then would decay 486 00:39:10,619 --> 00:39:15,089 directly into into resonances. And these two are very complimentary. So just we 487 00:39:15,089 --> 00:39:19,259 have to do both of them experiments, it's very important. And this is an example of 488 00:39:19,769 --> 00:39:26,819 the exclusion ranges for the clock coupling here to this mediator found as a 489 00:39:26,819 --> 00:39:31,079 function of the Zed prime mass. And you see many, many different analysis for low 490 00:39:31,079 --> 00:39:35,909 mass, particularly difficult to trigger at high mass notice a lot of boosted analysis 491 00:39:36,149 --> 00:39:40,499 are needed to really fully fill the full spectrum of both doctors and CMS has done 492 00:39:40,499 --> 00:39:45,329 this and so you see here a translation of these type of limits from CMS using these 493 00:39:45,509 --> 00:39:51,839 assumptions on the coupling constants here g j q and a whip and then this gives a 494 00:39:51,839 --> 00:39:55,859 very strong constraint from the digest such as here and the smaller constraint 495 00:39:55,859 --> 00:39:59,639 from the recall. So I just but of course, if you change this coupling constant, then 496 00:39:59,669 --> 00:40:02,579 the return It searches can also become more important. So it's important that you 497 00:40:02,579 --> 00:40:07,199 continue for the searches. So, I want to move to the next steps. Now here this was 498 00:40:07,199 --> 00:40:13,109 a beautiful picture of the height of NASA and civil engineering 8.5 and CMS. Now, 499 00:40:13,139 --> 00:40:18,119 this is a bit of a busy slide the upgrades during during this tool, of course, the 500 00:40:18,119 --> 00:40:22,559 aim is to improve the run through physics and prepare for the HSC. So, we have heard 501 00:40:22,559 --> 00:40:26,369 from the accelerators from the great feminists that there is of course the AI 502 00:40:26,519 --> 00:40:31,199 Liu so the energy injector upgrade with the newly not for booster upgrades and the 503 00:40:31,199 --> 00:40:36,599 SPS upgrades. So this is for improved beam brightness and reliability. In addition, 504 00:40:36,599 --> 00:40:39,479 there is of course, a very important consideration of the interconnection the 505 00:40:39,479 --> 00:40:43,859 dialog boxes, then there are the two dipoles left so that it's to have the 506 00:40:43,859 --> 00:40:48,509 possibility to add an additional column H and we hope that this can make sense make 507 00:40:48,509 --> 00:40:52,619 make it at point seven. This will be very useful for heavy ion conditions during run 508 00:40:52,619 --> 00:40:56,729 three and then there's all the civil engineering work for us hc. Now in the 509 00:40:56,729 --> 00:41:01,259 detect the site in particular LS and LSP have really Which upgrade program and it 510 00:41:01,289 --> 00:41:05,549 is really fantastic what they can do after this update, if you think about Alice, 511 00:41:05,969 --> 00:41:10,409 they will have triggers readout. So 50 kilohertz radar detector instead of one 512 00:41:10,409 --> 00:41:14,789 kilohertz before 50 to 100 times more minimum bias events and this needs 513 00:41:14,789 --> 00:41:19,439 completely new detectors. They have a fantastic new pixel in a in a tackler 514 00:41:19,499 --> 00:41:27,029 using monolithic CMS technology for the first time here, and overall, they have 13 515 00:41:27,029 --> 00:41:31,919 billion pixel channels. So this is quite pioneering. And they have many additional 516 00:41:32,099 --> 00:41:37,319 detectors here. So this is a huge, huge upgrade program, and hcb their main theme 517 00:41:37,319 --> 00:41:41,579 is to have five times more luminosity and pileup. They would like to maintain under 518 00:41:41,579 --> 00:41:46,169 these conditions, the performance of the detector. And so this requires an update 519 00:41:46,169 --> 00:41:50,519 of our system. So they're new to checking the Texas pixel strip and the outers, sci 520 00:41:50,519 --> 00:41:57,209 fi trackers, silicon, scintillating fibers and the rich system and the very important 521 00:41:57,209 --> 00:42:01,679 features this 14 megahertz all software trigger allows them to do much more 522 00:42:01,679 --> 00:42:05,129 sophisticated trigger than the hardware trigger before which was at about one 523 00:42:05,129 --> 00:42:11,849 megahertz. Now Atlas and their main net as their main theme is to refine the trigger 524 00:42:11,849 --> 00:42:16,379 selection in preparation for round three, but also for the luminosity nhc. So there 525 00:42:16,379 --> 00:42:20,459 is a much more granular level one kind of limited trigger and this is exposed by 526 00:42:20,459 --> 00:42:24,959 many new powerful level one trigger bullets which allow to have much more 527 00:42:24,959 --> 00:42:29,129 powerful everyone triggers and political feature here is of course the famous new 528 00:42:29,129 --> 00:42:34,409 small reader, which improves the fake moon rejection at the trigger level. CMS has 529 00:42:34,409 --> 00:42:38,579 already started early to do the upgrade so the new pixel has already been put in 530 00:42:38,579 --> 00:42:43,049 during rent to DC DC converter upgrades already there. We're going to trigger the 531 00:42:43,049 --> 00:42:47,549 GPS system and he had he called electronic and they're finalizing all these upgrade 532 00:42:47,549 --> 00:42:53,519 components during this to now run three will be a game changer for Alice and lsv. 533 00:42:53,519 --> 00:42:58,319 As I've said for Atlas and CMS, the LS two upgrades prepare for the game and game 534 00:42:58,319 --> 00:43:02,939 changing high luminosity Just now we have heard, of course, we had the talk from 535 00:43:02,939 --> 00:43:07,289 Benjamin or just before and that have occurred that this week that much of this 536 00:43:07,289 --> 00:43:11,999 work is affected by the necessary COVID-19 measures in addition to the restrictions 537 00:43:11,999 --> 00:43:16,139 at sound, the International experiments depend on the situation at the production 538 00:43:16,139 --> 00:43:19,409 sites and the travel of experts. So there will be delays, it's clear, the 539 00:43:19,409 --> 00:43:23,129 reassessment of the schedule we have will be performed over the summer, but people 540 00:43:23,129 --> 00:43:26,999 are coming back and you see with their attacks and protective equipment, working 541 00:43:26,999 --> 00:43:34,709 in social distances doing very, very good and important. Now, one quick thing before 542 00:43:34,739 --> 00:43:39,359 for closing and we have heard by McGraw Hill, answering your question, he 543 00:43:39,359 --> 00:43:43,799 confirmed that the additional time which is needed by the experiments will be used 544 00:43:43,799 --> 00:43:48,689 by the accelerator to do magnet training and I just wanted to re emphasize that 14 545 00:43:48,689 --> 00:43:55,109 TV is better than that in TV. Not only is there additional such performance such 546 00:43:55,139 --> 00:44:00,869 power for very heavy particles, but also thought I really known physics like TT Tth 547 00:44:00,869 --> 00:44:05,519 production very important physics, we have a 20% larger cross section. So forgive me 548 00:44:05,519 --> 00:44:10,229 gives us 20% monotonicity for these channels. Now, of course, the high 549 00:44:10,229 --> 00:44:15,659 luminosity will be a monumental upgrade of Atlas of Atlas and CMS and they're 550 00:44:15,659 --> 00:44:22,229 interesting proposals by Atlas and HCV. So the construction phases for phase two have 551 00:44:22,229 --> 00:44:26,849 already started for CMS Atlas. I have no time to summarize this, I just want to 552 00:44:26,969 --> 00:44:31,469 show you this CMS picture to recall the challenge we are dealing with in these 553 00:44:31,469 --> 00:44:37,589 very, very busy environments. But also the the, the great stuff this spring. So you 554 00:44:37,589 --> 00:44:41,819 see we are currently in the luminosity here for rantoul. And we will be moving up 555 00:44:41,849 --> 00:44:45,959 here and the physics would be really different. We will have 190 million Higgs 556 00:44:45,959 --> 00:44:51,479 bosons produced with three Envisat events and hundred 20,000 die hexes produced 557 00:44:51,539 --> 00:44:56,879 which we can search for. So before concluding might have anything that did 558 00:44:56,879 --> 00:45:01,559 not discuss many many other beautiful results. First Monday's full suite of new 559 00:45:01,559 --> 00:45:05,279 and ingenious longest particle searches, which is a really an utterly creative 560 00:45:05,279 --> 00:45:09,329 field as we have today, in the talk, further progress in theoretical 561 00:45:09,329 --> 00:45:13,319 calculation and modeling is critical for exploiting the physics of front three and 562 00:45:13,319 --> 00:45:19,859 behind, you know, ch c, then Smith Smith's left, the theorists and experimentalists 563 00:45:19,859 --> 00:45:24,929 are moving to a really coherent beyond the Standard Model interpretation framework of 564 00:45:24,929 --> 00:45:29,189 measurements and such as and this is a fantastic development, I think. So then I 565 00:45:29,189 --> 00:45:32,789 would like to point out that the importance of outreach, as we have heard 566 00:45:33,269 --> 00:45:38,069 in the talk just before for particle physics, so I would really wish all of us 567 00:45:38,129 --> 00:45:43,559 all of you go and speak to policymakers, your colleagues at university as labs, to 568 00:45:43,559 --> 00:45:49,139 students and to the public about this exciting science. So a decade after the 569 00:45:49,139 --> 00:45:53,369 start, the LSE and its experiments have except exceeded all the performance 570 00:45:53,369 --> 00:45:57,119 promises and transformed I believe particle physics we have discovered many 571 00:45:57,119 --> 00:46:01,799 new tools. The Higgs boson is a tool to to approach the big questions the nature of 572 00:46:01,799 --> 00:46:05,879 dark matter and energy hierarchies skate and the stability of the scalar sector, of 573 00:46:05,879 --> 00:46:10,319 course, the Metra anti meta symmetry in the universe more harder for us, but still 574 00:46:10,319 --> 00:46:14,549 very important, the strong CP problem to it unfortunately, so far, we don't have 575 00:46:14,969 --> 00:46:21,329 any direct experimental probes. But there has been huge progress on the answerable 576 00:46:21,329 --> 00:46:25,739 questions. And this is something which I copied from Gavin Sallam two years ago, 577 00:46:25,739 --> 00:46:29,579 which I think was a very nice way to formulate it through measurements. And 578 00:46:29,579 --> 00:46:33,449 this is very important. So we live in data driven times experiment must guide us to 579 00:46:33,449 --> 00:46:36,899 the next stage and the agency and its experiments represent the flagship of 580 00:46:36,899 --> 00:46:42,179 particle physics at the energy frontier for at least a decade or two to come. So I 581 00:46:42,179 --> 00:46:46,679 want to finish with nevertheless pointing out as we have heard just before, that is 582 00:46:46,769 --> 00:46:52,199 unprecedented COVID-19 crisis had hit our societies very hard with human suffering 583 00:46:52,199 --> 00:46:57,419 and huge societal and as well as economic challenges. And so in this situation, we 584 00:46:57,419 --> 00:47:02,279 are extremely grateful to Giovanni Roberto Everyone who contributed to this 585 00:47:02,279 --> 00:47:05,879 organization of this beautiful conferences, as well as CERN for allowing 586 00:47:05,879 --> 00:47:09,719 this important conference with as many fascinating times and poses to happen. So 587 00:47:09,719 --> 00:47:14,579 I have here a virtual spring flower flowers, which I would like to give to our 588 00:47:14,579 --> 00:47:17,249 the organizers. So thank you very much for your attention. 589 00:47:19,079 --> 00:47:23,729 Thank you very much, Andreas, for having accepted our invitation to give this talk 590 00:47:24,269 --> 00:47:28,679 and then delivered such an inspiring presentation with a selection of beautiful 591 00:47:28,679 --> 00:47:35,279 results and a glimpse of the future ones that we might expect. Thanks also, 592 00:47:35,429 --> 00:47:40,019 personally for your final words, when we decided to cancel the Paris conference, 593 00:47:40,499 --> 00:47:44,879 but but the sequel operations and CERN asked us to consider in a full online 594 00:47:44,879 --> 00:47:49,259 conference, we were a bit hesitant at first, but then we embark on this project 595 00:47:49,259 --> 00:47:54,179 enthusiastically and we try to do our best to make it a success. And we've we I mean 596 00:47:54,209 --> 00:47:59,309 a large team of committed people, as you will hear now in the concluding remarks by 597 00:47:59,309 --> 00:48:03,959 the International pictures of the Congresswoman to rica to my end over the 598 00:48:03,959 --> 00:48:09,029 microphone I thank you again undress and now I give microphone to to groom for the 599 00:48:09,029 --> 00:48:09,779 final talk.