1 00:00:00,930 --> 00:00:01,440 Yeah, 2 00:00:01,440 --> 00:00:02,250 we can hear you. 3 00:00:03,959 --> 00:00:08,609 Okay, so, um, yeah, so you're a member of the CMS collaboration. And I'm going to be 4 00:00:08,609 --> 00:00:15,389 talking on behalf of both Atlas and CMS, on the production of quarks in association 5 00:00:15,389 --> 00:00:23,579 with a couple of big quarks, WC, and gamma. Which of course, is these processes 6 00:00:23,579 --> 00:00:27,749 are very important for searches for new physics. But as well as important 7 00:00:27,749 --> 00:00:32,819 background for TT h analysis, which is the main topic of this session, so I'm going 8 00:00:32,819 --> 00:00:40,409 to start with the dT by W process. Both collaborations Luca is one fraction of the 9 00:00:40,409 --> 00:00:46,949 data that is 60 Miss titlebar. They focus in single left on triggers, and signal 10 00:00:46,949 --> 00:00:53,099 regions are, are constructed based on the final estates, depending on how many 11 00:00:53,099 --> 00:00:58,379 electrodes we have in the final step. So we focus in the electronic decay of the W 12 00:00:58,769 --> 00:01:03,869 and depending on Common leptons, we have originated from the TPR system, we have 13 00:01:03,869 --> 00:01:11,339 two channels, the same sign, they left on channel and they they try left on Channel 14 00:01:12,569 --> 00:01:18,749 Four these generally generally subdivided in different signal regions as a function 15 00:01:18,749 --> 00:01:24,389 of the sine flavor of the left turn, number of jets and number of digits. So 16 00:01:24,389 --> 00:01:30,539 I'm going to start with the ATLAS experiment, which construct two MBAs. The 17 00:01:30,539 --> 00:01:37,739 fers MBA is constructed to distinguish from leptons from fake leptons, fake 18 00:01:37,739 --> 00:01:41,819 lectures, of course originating from hadron the case gamma conversions or 19 00:01:41,819 --> 00:01:48,509 misidentified jets. The second MBA is designed to suppress misidentified 20 00:01:48,539 --> 00:01:54,539 electron electric charge is only focused on the electron because the Misa the 21 00:01:54,569 --> 00:01:59,819 charge misidentification for meals, it's very, very small, negligible and then 22 00:01:59,819 --> 00:02:05,489 counting regions are constructed to characterize the background. So, the first 23 00:02:05,489 --> 00:02:11,969 control region is the one called charge flip, in which the electric charge is 24 00:02:11,969 --> 00:02:18,689 removed. And, and then these number of events is calibrated from data. So you can 25 00:02:18,689 --> 00:02:24,989 see on the right side top plot, you have the environment of the electron system. 26 00:02:25,469 --> 00:02:30,119 And you can see that is dominated by events originating from charge flips 27 00:02:30,209 --> 00:02:37,289 events. So, you've seen that those events can be calibrated from data. Then the next 28 00:02:37,289 --> 00:02:43,259 control region is about fake leptons. And these analysis use use the matrix methods 29 00:02:43,259 --> 00:02:50,939 are also called tight to loose technique where we look at a sample with a loose 30 00:02:50,939 --> 00:02:56,999 selection of the electron. And you can see on the right side those events from 31 00:02:57,029 --> 00:03:01,469 control region is the meeting at the Kansas City nificant event originating 32 00:03:01,469 --> 00:03:09,239 from events originated from fake letters, okay and additional samples or terminal 33 00:03:09,239 --> 00:03:15,149 samples are produced by different combinations of inverting electron charge, 34 00:03:15,449 --> 00:03:26,879 flavor a number of jets to estimate by one. So, in the case of CMS, the analysis 35 00:03:26,879 --> 00:03:33,389 is very similar to address user BDD but in this case constructed with many variables 36 00:03:35,249 --> 00:03:40,949 excuse me number of jets number of digits HD missing at empty and the angular 37 00:03:40,949 --> 00:03:46,259 separation between the left turn and jet electives are also estimated using the 38 00:03:46,259 --> 00:03:52,949 tight to lose metal but with a small difference. The momentum of the left arm 39 00:03:52,949 --> 00:03:57,719 is corrected and parameterize a function of PD and data that helps to reduce 40 00:03:57,719 --> 00:04:03,869 uncertainties and calibrate in control of these of these events. 41 00:04:05,549 --> 00:04:11,519 Also, data driven nettles are used to estimate the needs identified the electric 42 00:04:11,519 --> 00:04:16,709 charge and the WC events the race is taking from from simulation. So you can 43 00:04:16,709 --> 00:04:22,649 see on the right side distributions for the same side the left on channel. On top 44 00:04:22,649 --> 00:04:29,849 we have the genuine publicity, which you can see the significant violence is coming 45 00:04:29,849 --> 00:04:37,799 from originating from fake leptons. The next one is the charge Miss ID. And the 46 00:04:37,799 --> 00:04:42,869 next one is the WC events. So on the bottom block, you have the output of the 47 00:04:42,869 --> 00:04:49,409 discriminator, the BDT and you can see that in the upper half of the 48 00:04:49,409 --> 00:04:55,109 discriminator is dominated by seeing well it has a large number of single events at 49 00:04:55,109 --> 00:05:02,009 W and in the other half of the discriminator is dominated by migrants. So 50 00:05:02,579 --> 00:05:06,569 these events are divided health goes into the control region and the other health 51 00:05:06,569 --> 00:05:14,459 into the single greater. The next slide, we can see going back to Atlas, the 52 00:05:14,459 --> 00:05:21,869 distributions for the different flavors we have on top the electron. Then in the 53 00:05:21,869 --> 00:05:27,059 middle we have a new and on the right side we have Damion, you can see that when the 54 00:05:27,059 --> 00:05:32,309 electron is present, the charge flips starts those events and starts to appear. 55 00:05:32,759 --> 00:05:37,259 And as I mentioned before, those are calibrated for our control region that you 56 00:05:37,259 --> 00:05:45,419 can see on the bottom plot left side. And in blue, or dark blue, you can see the 57 00:05:45,419 --> 00:05:51,809 fake leptons and also those events are calibrated from data. And you can see one 58 00:05:51,809 --> 00:05:56,159 of those examples of that distribution from the control region on the right side. 59 00:05:57,600 --> 00:05:59,820 So once that is done, then 60 00:06:01,140 --> 00:06:06,960 You can put together along with the other channel that I left on, where church leaps 61 00:06:06,990 --> 00:06:12,030 are no significant, but electrons are still present, then you put all those 62 00:06:12,030 --> 00:06:16,230 samples together into a feed along with a control regions and that is represented on 63 00:06:16,230 --> 00:06:21,750 the bottom plot and you perform a feed and you can extract the TT w cross section, 64 00:06:22,140 --> 00:06:30,270 which Atos reports with a position of 22%. Next slide. So, in the case of CMS, we 65 00:06:30,270 --> 00:06:38,520 look at the BDT distribution. And that is is being divided in in two regions, the 66 00:06:38,520 --> 00:06:43,560 high discriminator value and the low discriminator value and all of that so, 67 00:06:43,560 --> 00:06:48,570 divided as a function of J a number of J's the number of digits and in addition you 68 00:06:48,570 --> 00:06:52,620 can separate it as a function of the sine of the electrons so, you have negative 69 00:06:52,860 --> 00:06:58,530 sign and positive charge and you perform my livelihood feed and you can instruct 70 00:06:58,530 --> 00:07:03,300 the information including the system uncertainties which the leading systematic 71 00:07:03,300 --> 00:07:10,920 uncertainties are originating from the estimation of the fake leptons and also 72 00:07:10,920 --> 00:07:17,100 from the modeling of the of the background, especially volume originated 73 00:07:17,100 --> 00:07:25,590 from the case of dx or dy dx. And that is also another significant contribution 74 00:07:25,590 --> 00:07:33,510 coming from statistics in the control victims. So, CMS also reports with a 75 00:07:33,510 --> 00:07:42,870 similar position that Atlas cross section 40 tw with a precision of 22%. Next slide. 76 00:07:42,900 --> 00:07:49,680 Now I'm moving the DTC channel. Similarly, signal regions are constructed depending 77 00:07:49,680 --> 00:07:55,290 of the number of leptons in the final estate. So in the case that it goes to all 78 00:07:55,290 --> 00:08:01,440 jets, we have the channel opposite signs I left on the next journal will be when the 79 00:08:01,440 --> 00:08:06,570 TTY or ceasing goes to one single laptop final estate does it try left on and then 80 00:08:06,570 --> 00:08:11,700 the next one is the tetra electron channel. Again all these channels are 81 00:08:11,700 --> 00:08:16,170 subdivided with different signal regions to improve the discrimination and have a 82 00:08:16,170 --> 00:08:22,260 better sensitivity on the signal events. These analyses in TDC focus only on the 83 00:08:22,260 --> 00:08:26,190 two channels trial it turns on tetra leptons, because those channels have 84 00:08:26,190 --> 00:08:31,620 higher purity compared with electron. Now the main backgrounds in the case of trial 85 00:08:31,620 --> 00:08:36,690 atom is WC in the case of the tetra electron is cc events. Those can be 86 00:08:36,690 --> 00:08:43,170 calibrated from control regions looking at sidebands for example, looking at evidence 87 00:08:43,170 --> 00:08:49,710 without the Jets failing lectins are estimated something very similar to what 88 00:08:49,710 --> 00:08:57,390 was done for btw and the rest of the process are taking from the simulation. On 89 00:08:57,390 --> 00:09:03,510 the right side, you can see the video discriminator from Atlas on blue is a 90 00:09:03,510 --> 00:09:08,550 signal to DC in the high tail and the dominant bargains are coming from TP VI 91 00:09:08,610 --> 00:09:14,640 and C plus heavy flavor t devices emitted from a control region and the other 92 00:09:14,640 --> 00:09:21,660 vitamins are taken from promote the girl. In the case of CMS, there is a recent 93 00:09:21,690 --> 00:09:29,250 update that includes more data includes also more inclusive leptin triggers and a 94 00:09:29,250 --> 00:09:36,060 modification of the leptin selection using a dedicated MBA, which has a 15% increase 95 00:09:36,060 --> 00:09:42,300 in the efficiency to select leptons on the fake rate is reduced by a factor of two to 96 00:09:42,300 --> 00:09:49,500 four compared with a bigger selection. Next slide. So here we have distributions 97 00:09:49,500 --> 00:09:54,450 from Atlas for the tetra electron channel and the tri Lipton channel on the bottom. 98 00:09:55,980 --> 00:10:02,640 The left on we reconstruct the zz events And we can calibrate that from data. And 99 00:10:02,640 --> 00:10:09,480 similarly in the toilet on we can reconstruct the W z events in sideband 100 00:10:09,900 --> 00:10:17,310 when the electron pair is chosen to be with opposite signs same flavor and know 101 00:10:17,310 --> 00:10:23,250 the tagging requirement, and that those events can be extracted from data and then 102 00:10:23,250 --> 00:10:30,690 calibrated into the scenery. So, then, everything is put together into a feed 103 00:10:30,960 --> 00:10:38,520 here I am bringing back again the TT w because DDC entity Wi Fi together. So, 104 00:10:38,520 --> 00:10:45,360 here are the results from Atlas, where you can see the list of systematic 105 00:10:45,360 --> 00:10:51,120 uncertainties in the case of DPC, the largest uncertainties are originating from 106 00:10:51,330 --> 00:10:56,190 modeling of the background, Monte Carlo and also modeling of the signal you can 107 00:10:56,190 --> 00:10:56,430 see 108 00:10:57,930 --> 00:11:02,670 and you can see The correlation between the two cross sections if you don't, 109 00:11:02,670 --> 00:11:09,930 you'll end up seeing the bottom plot. And the precision measure by address for DDC 110 00:11:09,930 --> 00:11:17,790 processes have about 13%. In the next slide is the results on CMS, which is the 111 00:11:17,790 --> 00:11:26,940 latest result, where more data has been included is a sample of 70 77.5 investment 112 00:11:26,940 --> 00:11:32,160 or in the top plot, you can see the control regions for WC zc and fake 113 00:11:32,160 --> 00:11:38,820 leptons. And in the bottom plot, you can see the summary of the different signal 114 00:11:38,820 --> 00:11:44,310 regions, which are divided as a function of gene multiplicity, number of beat jets 115 00:11:44,430 --> 00:11:48,840 and number of leptons. So the first three blocks is for try left on and the last 116 00:11:48,840 --> 00:11:54,630 block is for the tetra leptin. Remember three try lifting is dominated by fake 117 00:11:54,630 --> 00:11:59,370 leptons and WC events. And in the case of the tetra lepton we have a significant 118 00:11:59,370 --> 00:12:06,750 contribution from Cz events. So God these feet along with nuisance parameters for 119 00:12:06,750 --> 00:12:10,980 the systematic uncertainties which is listed in the next slide. And the largest 120 00:12:10,980 --> 00:12:17,790 uncertainties are originating from the estimation of the lepton id above the 4% 121 00:12:18,270 --> 00:12:28,470 and modeling of the WC and rare bygones T or TTY plus x. So the precision of these 122 00:12:28,470 --> 00:12:34,200 measurement by CMS or DTC is about a percent. That can be compared with a 123 00:12:34,770 --> 00:12:41,490 theoretical prediction that is about the same sensitivity of 9%. The next slide is 124 00:12:41,490 --> 00:12:49,350 a nice summary of these results from Atlas and CMS. For TP W and TTC. So Atlas is in 125 00:12:49,350 --> 00:12:58,950 blue. CMS is in red. The fers ones are 40 tw and the last resource on the on the 126 00:12:58,950 --> 00:13:05,640 plot is for dz so you can see that the only analysis that has higher precision is 127 00:13:05,640 --> 00:13:10,770 the one that is more data of course, which is TTC from CMS, which is 78. It was 128 00:13:10,770 --> 00:13:11,670 petabytes of data. 129 00:13:12,960 --> 00:13:15,480 Everything is consistent with the analog predictions. 130 00:13:16,859 --> 00:13:23,789 So I'm consistent between the two experiment. Next slide. So now, since we 131 00:13:23,789 --> 00:13:29,369 have more events, a more precise analysis in TDC. So CMS went ahead and 132 00:13:29,879 --> 00:13:34,619 additionally, measure the differential cross sections. And that is being done 133 00:13:34,619 --> 00:13:42,089 with respect to electronic observables. Sorry, okay. 134 00:13:43,770 --> 00:13:45,660 I saw that somebody was sending me a chat. 135 00:13:47,250 --> 00:13:48,390 But two minutes. 136 00:13:49,200 --> 00:13:56,400 Wow. Okay. Well, I'm going to speed up then. So these is the results of the 137 00:13:56,400 --> 00:14:02,520 differential correction compared with analog prediction. Using those events, we 138 00:14:02,520 --> 00:14:06,060 can go and search for the physics beyond the standard model using two approaches 139 00:14:06,060 --> 00:14:10,920 the anomalous couplings and the EFT interpretation. So, in the next slide show 140 00:14:10,920 --> 00:14:16,230 the results for the anomalous coupling, those factors are the actual vector on the 141 00:14:16,230 --> 00:14:20,220 left side and the dipole moment on the sorry in the in the right side of that 142 00:14:20,280 --> 00:14:24,660 moment and the actual vector in the left side. What is shown here is the log 143 00:14:24,660 --> 00:14:29,760 likelihood ratio with respect to the base feed value, which is the diamond in blue 144 00:14:29,880 --> 00:14:34,800 and that be compared with the Standard Model prediction the Red Cross which is 145 00:14:34,800 --> 00:14:40,710 only about two sigma off from the standard model. In the next slide is a similar 146 00:14:40,710 --> 00:14:45,780 analysis but using the EFT interpretation where we expand the Lagrangian as a 147 00:14:45,780 --> 00:14:50,100 function of the withdrawal coefficients. And we have four wisdom coefficients that 148 00:14:50,160 --> 00:14:56,700 are relevant for the TTC and on the right side you see the summary of the estimation 149 00:14:56,730 --> 00:15:02,850 of the limits for the for this parameter heaters. Everything is consistent within 150 00:15:03,210 --> 00:15:09,810 the standard model and between the two experiments. So I'm going to move to TD 151 00:15:09,810 --> 00:15:16,110 photon very quickly. These analysis is tricky in the sense that we need to 152 00:15:16,110 --> 00:15:22,980 differentiate very careful, real photons from fake photons. photons originated from 153 00:15:23,190 --> 00:15:28,500 jets misidentified or electrons misidentified as a photons. The cross 154 00:15:28,500 --> 00:15:34,890 section is presented measure measured with respect to a fiducial phase space. CMS has 155 00:15:34,890 --> 00:15:41,550 put yourselves with a TV 22 bytes of data, an atlas with 30 dV in two channels single 156 00:15:41,550 --> 00:15:49,530 leptons and emu channel 140 investment over the next slide is a summary of CMS 157 00:15:49,530 --> 00:15:55,260 results where it performs a likelihood feat and in addition to extracting the 158 00:15:55,260 --> 00:16:01,050 cross section extract the cross section ratio of TT gamma over dt By which are 159 00:16:01,050 --> 00:16:06,360 reducing systematic uncertainties. And these analysis is being updated for 30. 160 00:16:06,360 --> 00:16:14,100 tv, then next analysis is from an address where we have also differential cross 161 00:16:14,100 --> 00:16:20,250 sections of PT gamma as a function of the kinematics of the photon. The most precise 162 00:16:20,250 --> 00:16:26,880 results is from the election channel which uses 140 investment to buy data and and 163 00:16:26,880 --> 00:16:34,680 he's been showing the slide, next slide. So, moving very quickly to the TT levy is 164 00:16:34,680 --> 00:16:38,880 being done by Atlas and CMS in the electron channels one one lepto moto 165 00:16:38,880 --> 00:16:43,800 leptons with high Gen multiplicity. The key here is looking at the betaine 166 00:16:43,800 --> 00:16:51,450 discriminators. And so Atlas is looking at all the bands. CMS is focused in the 167 00:16:51,750 --> 00:16:57,990 additional digits to the TT bar system and then livelihood feeds are constructed and 168 00:16:57,990 --> 00:17:03,420 feed the living system uncertainties are of course be tagging generally the scale 169 00:17:03,780 --> 00:17:11,340 is our FSR and distribution of those discriminators are showing the slide. Next 170 00:17:11,340 --> 00:17:18,240 slide. There is an additional analysis from CMS on TT BB, which uses all jets, 171 00:17:18,660 --> 00:17:24,270 which is interesting is no so sensitive as the other ones but is a nice exercise 172 00:17:24,270 --> 00:17:32,370 where they did construct a good job constructing MBAs to reject QC D control 173 00:17:32,370 --> 00:17:38,520 regions to estimate the background. And the dominant uncertainties are from beet 174 00:17:38,520 --> 00:17:44,400 tagging, the quiet gloom livelihood minimization factorization is scales and 175 00:17:44,400 --> 00:17:49,200 the results are showing this light compared with the predictions. These 176 00:17:49,230 --> 00:17:55,050 results are presenting in different phases spaces. So the definition of the phase of 177 00:17:55,050 --> 00:18:01,620 space are in the bottom plot and the summary is In the next slide, where you 178 00:18:01,620 --> 00:18:06,330 can see in the left side the summary of the results for TPP for CMS and in the 179 00:18:06,330 --> 00:18:14,340 bottom for Atlas. CMS includes leptons budgets, the electrons and the oil jets 180 00:18:15,210 --> 00:18:20,400 sample and you can see, compare it with the Standard Model prediction that they're 181 00:18:20,400 --> 00:18:25,890 all consistent. Similarly, for Atlas Atlas, in addition also present 182 00:18:25,890 --> 00:18:32,280 differential cross sections of GTP be cross section as a function of kinematics 183 00:18:32,280 --> 00:18:38,010 of the other digits. And that brings me to the end, sorry that they have to write in 184 00:18:38,010 --> 00:18:41,610 the last few minutes. I got confused with the time 185 00:18:42,960 --> 00:18:44,430 of the duration of the talk. 186 00:18:45,809 --> 00:18:52,919 Thank you very much. Thanks to you. Any questions for Francesco? You can raise 187 00:18:52,919 --> 00:18:53,519 your hands 188 00:19:03,240 --> 00:19:04,380 Yeah, Francesco. 189 00:19:07,020 --> 00:19:14,370 Hello, Francesco Esperanto again from our plus. I'd like to make a comment on slide 190 00:19:14,370 --> 00:19:30,540 12. Yes, yes. So I think this, this is the CMS blog. Right. And it's correct. Yes. So 191 00:19:30,540 --> 00:19:34,740 it's a CMS blog that illustrates historically what has happened recently. 192 00:19:36,600 --> 00:19:46,110 So it's interesting, surely. One aspect that it's also useful to point out is that 193 00:19:46,140 --> 00:19:51,420 in addition to being pushed, it's your choice to illustrate whatever you want, 194 00:19:51,450 --> 00:19:55,500 and it's very pleasant to see in it and he tried to put things together and also 195 00:19:55,500 --> 00:20:02,460 including the artists contributions, but the course we observe as an incident 196 00:20:02,460 --> 00:20:07,740 storyboard plot. The points are not independent, right? They are correlated, 197 00:20:08,880 --> 00:20:15,000 right? Even that with increasing luminosity. The relevant plots are the one 198 00:20:15,000 --> 00:20:19,320 which have the light in the highest luminosity that I have had independent 199 00:20:19,320 --> 00:20:28,080 results. So, there's basically two TTC results when Atlas one CMS and TT w 200 00:20:28,080 --> 00:20:34,320 result, one Atlas and one CMS. So effectively, just to make sure that we all 201 00:20:34,320 --> 00:20:41,370 pay attention to the labels, not thinking that we have many measurements that are 202 00:20:41,370 --> 00:20:45,720 independent, but effectively that they evolve in time. Right? 203 00:20:46,260 --> 00:20:47,640 Correct. Yes, 204 00:20:48,990 --> 00:20:54,510 definitely is just as crystal, as you say, is a historical review of what was done in 205 00:20:54,510 --> 00:20:59,940 the two experiments. But it should be explained in case that people miss 206 00:21:00,750 --> 00:21:03,690 misunderstand and take these values in a different way. 207 00:21:07,740 --> 00:21:12,240 Okay, is there any other question? I don't, I don't see any hands. 208 00:21:17,190 --> 00:21:22,470 Okay, thank you very much Francesco and we can move on to the second. The second talk 209 00:21:22,470 --> 00:21:27,000 of the session on Tth measurements in Atlas